Collaboration is the Key to Strengthening Indonesian MSMEs & Cooperatives Through Credit Guarantee Facilities

The Risk Government Center, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) is holding a webinar series to discuss collaboration to strengthen MSMEs and Indonesian Cooperatives through credit guarantee facilities via the zoom meeting platform on Wednesday, July 27 2022. This event presented speakers […]

Doctoral Graduate of the 19th FIA UI Promotes Dynamic Capability Design to Survive in the Paradoxical Environment of the Railway Industry

We are rich but poor, rich in natural resources, but poor in resources. We are free but colonized, politically independent and economically colonized. We are strong but weak, weak in facing global challenges. These three sentences are paradoxes adapted by Wiwiek Joelijani from Bacharuddin Jusuf […]

FIA UI Lecturer Promotes Special Economic Zones as a Strategy to Improve National Development in Doctoral Promotion Session

The Indonesian government has chosen Special Economic Zones (SEZs) as one of the national development strategies aimed at increasing economic growth and increasing national and regional competitiveness. This competitiveness is an indicator of the success of development and an attraction to invest in the country. […]