- r.kusumastuti@ui.ac.id
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Dr. Retno Kusumastuti, M.Si., perempuan kelahiran Bandung ini adalah seorang pengajar di Departemen Administrasi Niaga Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia (FIA UI). Beliau merupakan lulusan sarjana Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal UI pada 1994. Setelah itu beliau meneruskan pendidikan S-2 Ilmu Administrasi UI dan lulus pada 2004. Pada 2013 beliau meraih gelar Doktor Ilmu Administrasi setelah menempuh pendidikan S-3 di kampus yang sama, Universitas Indonesia.
Perempuan yang saat ini menjadi Wakil Dekan Bidang Sumber Daya, Ventura dan Administrasi Umum 2016 ~ 2020 FIA UI inipernah mendapatkan penghargaan Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship Through Incubation oleh Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation pada 2014 dan International Knowledge Based Management for Young Leadership in ASEAN oleh JICA Program pada tahun 2014
- Dampak Desentralisasi Terhadap Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam dan Kerusakan Lingkungan.
- Menulis Dalam Jurnal Bisnis dan Birokrasi Dengan Judul Ownership Structure and Performances of Public Companies Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange Vol. 17 Number 3 November 2010
- Peran Kompensasi SDM Dalam Pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi Di Indonesia, disampaikan dalam seminar Antarbangsa Bersama Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan Universitas Indonesia SEBUMI 3).
- The Impact of Decentralization toward Natural Reource Utilization and Envinmental Damage in Indonesia: A Study at the District of Bintan and South Kalimantan Province. Dimuat dalam Jurnal Indonesian Social Science Review. ISSN 2086-3675. Vol.1, Number 1, 2012
- Analysis of The Impact of Family Ownership on a Company’s Costs of Debt. Dimuat dalam Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi Bisnis & Birokrasi. Vol. 18, Number 2, May 2011. ISSN 0854-3844
- Corporate Governance in PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk.
- An Application of Multi-Methodology in Soft Systems Methodology-Based Action Research: Lessons from the Reconstruction of Business Group Competitiveness Based on Dual Ambidexterity Paradigm.
- Ethical Climate In Vocational Program Administrative Science Department: Student Perception
- How Ownership Structure Influences Firm Performance in Relation to Its Life Cycle
- The Development of Online Banking System in Indonesia, Implication in Human Resources Management Strategy.
- The Influence of Corporate Governance Structure towards Underpricing Developing Innovation Capability of SME Through Contextual Ambidexterity
- Ambidexterity Learning Process For Exploration And Exploitation: A Model Of Hybrid Ambidextrous University
- Analysis of Economic Exposure to The Stock Return
- Praktikum Pengantar Akuntansi 1
- The Determinant of Working Capital Management of Maufacturing Companies
- The Protection of Information Privacy in Indonesia’s E-comerce: a Legal Approach Perspective Towards Research University Through Ambidexterity Practice: A Lecturer Perspective
- Acces of Small and Medium Enterprises to Finance in Rural Areas, Case of Indonesia and Thailand.
- Innovation Diagnostic of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (SME): A Comparative Study of Innovation Process of SMEs in Depok and Solo Ownership Structure and Dividend Policy in Non Financial Company
- The Influence of Spiritual Leadership on Organizational Culture at Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office and Sub Branch Office Depok