The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) collaborated with Pertamina University (UPER) to hold a flash track program for students of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB).
The Dean of FIA UI Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Sc., M.M., said that this flash track collaboration program was the first UI conducted with a domestic campus.
“In addition to aiming to produce graduates who can be absorbed in the business and industrial world, through this program we also hope to establish good synergy between the two institutions. To improve the qualifications of graduates with the advantages and peculiarities of each campus,” said Prof. Chandra.
Deputy Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs FIA UI Dr. Fibria Indriati, M.Sc., explained that the program is an accelerated learning program, where FEB UPER students can get a bachelor’s degree from UPER as well as a Master’s degree in Administrative Science from UI, by taking only 5 years of education.
“The program which will start in the next 2022/2023 Academic Year will provide an opportunity for FEB UPER students to take the FIA UI Credit Earnings Program (CEP) in their seventh semester. Students will receive mentoring and briefing to participate in the UI entrance selection and can immediately continue master’s education at FIA UI without matriculation,” explained Fibria when he was a resource person in the Open House Program held at Griya Legita, 3rd Floor, Pertamina University Complex, Saturday, July 18, 2022.
Dean of FEB UPER Dr. Dewi Hanggraeni revealed that this program is an efficient study period of up to one year so that students who usually graduate from bachelor’s and master’s degrees for 6 years, can graduate in just 5 years.