Association of Fiscal Administration Science, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia, KOSTAF FIA UI, successfully held a Roadshow activity, which is one of a series of events from Tax Goes To School 2022.
Tax Goes To School is a place for tax education aimed at Indonesian students as well as a form of application of knowledge and knowledge for students of Fiscal Administration at the University of Indonesia. From year to year, the low awareness of taxpayers in carrying out their tax obligations is the main problem that does not go away.
On the other hand, taxes are a source of state revenue with the largest contribution compared to all other alternatives. Responding to these problems, tax education is now something that must be intensified.
It is not only given to people who already hold the status of a Taxpayer, tax education must also be given to students as future Taxpayers. By popularizing taxes from an early age, Indonesian students can understand the concept of taxation as a form of mutual cooperation carried out by all Indonesian people in the context of realizing people’s welfare. Without realizing it, the benefits of taxes are very attached and they can feel it in everyday life.
As a forum for tax education, Tax Goes To School always strives to produce new innovations every year. Different from previous years, now Tax Goes To School 2022 is also present for students who are at the elementary school level.
Held offline, the Roadshow was successfully held at two elementary schools (SD) around Jakarta, where tax education was given to more than 250 students. The roadshow starts on Monday, 19 July 2022 at SDN Menteng 01 and is followed by SD Perguruan Cikini on Thursday, 21 July 2022.
In this activity, as many as 50 Fiscal Administration student volunteers at the University of Indonesia were deployed as the frontline in providing education. Tax material certainly needs to be packaged in such a way that the knowledge provided can be absorbed optimally through a series of interesting activities.
The series of Tax Goes To School 2022 Roadshow activities consist of games, comic readings that carry the concept of mutual cooperation, explanations regarding the meaning, benefits and types of taxes, and closed with a quiz with prizes.
Tax Goes To School 2022 Project Officer, Kezia Amanda Hutasoit explained that organizing Tax Goes To School up to the elementary level itself was a new breakthrough this year. She sees that all students in Indonesia need to have an understanding of taxes, even at the elementary level.
“Through the Roadshow, we are introducing taxes as a form of mutual cooperation carried out by all Indonesian people in order to create shared prosperity which can be felt through the existence of public facilities, health services, educational facilities, and so on,” said Kezia.
Prior to disseminating tax socialization, volunteers were given a briefing in the form of providing material that would be delivered as well as an interesting and fun way of delivering it. This is done so that volunteers are ready to lead the course of socialization.
“I’m really happy to be able to meet and share knowledge with children through Tax Goes To School!” said Dzakwan Poetra Dewanto, a Tax Goes To School 2022 volunteer.
For him, teaching is a new experience, especially in front of elementary school children. “At first I was doubtful and afraid that the children would be bored, considering the socialization about taxes. But it turned out that everyone was active and enthusiastic! This was also supported by a series of socializations that were made in an interesting way. So, children can understand what taxes are by easy and fun,” he continued.
The high enthusiasm of the students gave a special impression and experience for the volunteers in participating in the Roadshow Tax Goes To School 2022 at the elementary level. The implementation of the Roadshow at SDN Menteng 01 and SD Perguruan Cikini has added to the enthusiasm of the committee and volunteers to move towards the next series of Tax Goes To School 2022 events, namely Roadshows at the SMA/SMK level and TaxTalk. With various series of events presented, it is hoped that Tax Goes To School 2022 can make a positive contribution to Indonesian taxation.