University governance measures
Nama Dosen Jabatan
Dr. Titi Muswati Putranti, M.Si.Director of Budget Planning and Accounting Universitas Indonesia
(Direktur Perencanaan Anggaran dan Akuntansi Universitas Indonesia)
Dr. Eko Sakapurnama, S.Psi., MBA.Head of Sub Directorate of Academic & Government Cooperation Universitas Indonesia
(Kasubdit Kerjasama Akademik & Pemerintahan Universitas Indonesia)
Dr. Ima Mayasari, S.H., M.H.Rector’s Expert Staff for Law and Regulation Universitas Indonesia
(Staf Ahli Rektor Bidang Hukum dan Peraturan Universitas Indonesia)
Vishnu Juwono, S.E., M.I.A, Ph.DHead of Bureau of Transformation, Risk Management and Evaluation Monitoring Universitas Indonesia
(Kepala Biro Transformasi, Manajemen Risiko dan Monitoring Evaluasi Universitas Indonesia)
Juditha DanuvanyaCoordinator for Student Affairs BEM UI
(Koordinator Bidang Kemahasiswaan BEM UI)
Galuh Nirukti Sangadi Head of Student Model United Nations Club Universitas Indonesia
(Ketua Model United Nations Club UI)
The Faculty of Administrative Sciences has several student organizations consisting of :
1. Student Representative / Badan Perwakilan Mahasiswa (BPM FIA UI)
2. Student Executive Board / Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM FIA UI)
3. Islamic Student Association / Keluarga Islam Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi (KAIFA)
4. Undergraduate Student Association / Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Administrasi Negara (HIMANERA FIA UI )
5. Undergraduate Student Association / Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Administrasi Niaga (HIMANIA FIA UI)
6. Undergraduate Student Association / Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal (KOSTAF FIA UI)
7. Postgraduate Student Association / Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana (HMP FIA UI)
In addition, there is also a Student Activity Unit (UKF) that is active in developing student interests and talents in sports and arts such as FIASVARA and Groovia which oversees voice talent, Cakradara for dance, and several student activity units in sports such as basketball, futsal, badminton, volleyball and so on.
Union provides support for students
Several Student Organizations and Student Activity Units are also active in helping and providing support for other students who need help both financially and mentally. This role is carried out by one of the fields in the Student Executive Board Organization (BEM), namely the Department of Student Advocacy and Welfare (ADKESMA). The form of support provided is by initiating one of the scholarship programs named as FIA Peduli Scholarship. This scholarship is intended for FIA UI students who have payment constraints due to poor financial conditions. In addition to creating the FIA Peduli Scholarship program, the BEM FIA UI Adkesma also has a support program for students related to mental health complaints through the “Keluh Kesah” work program and psychologist consultation 101 in collaboration with the FIA UI Student Affairs Unit.
Union provides social activities
The Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Indonesia’s Student organizations are also active in carrying out social activities aimed at honing students’ soft skills and concerns to be able to contribute their ideas and knowledge in improving social welfare for the surrounding community. During 2022, there are several social and community service activities carried out including :
3. Melestarikan Lingkungan dan Belajar (MELAR) by BEM FIA UI
7. Tax on the Way by KOSTAF FIA UI
8. UMKM Tax Community by KOSTAF FIA UI

FUNDES By BEM FIA UI (Environment)
FIA UI Peduli Kasih
Tax in FIA UI
Tax on the way FIA UI
UMKM Tax Community

“The Faculty of Administrative Sciences has formed an FIA UI Integrity Zone Team towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) through Dean Decree Number 200/UN2. F16. D/OTL.00.00/2021 which was later updated through the Decree of the Rector of the University of Indonesia Number 1646/SK/R/UI/2022 concerning the Appointment of the Integrity Zone Team for State Universities Legal Entities, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia. This team is tasked with planning, implementing, and supervising the implementation of the construction of integrity zones within the Faculty of Administrative Sciences through six main levers, namely: (1) change management, (2) governance, (3) human resource management, (4) accountability, (5) supervision, and (6) public services.

The construction of the Integrity Zone also involves the participation of all lecturers and education staff. Therefore, FIA UI provides socialization of integrity zones to all lecturers and education staff in order to implement a clean, accountable, and high-performance bureaucracy and have an anti-corruption culture.

FIA UI Integrity Zone Team

Government Regulation Number 75 of 2021 concerning the Statute of the Universitas Indonesia regulates academic freedom in Chapter III, Part One, Paragraph 1, Article 9. As an effort to support this, FIA UI also has a research cluster as a research group based on science/expertise/specialization from Professors at FIA UI. All lecturers can choose their major and minor scientific fields according to their expertise and interests. In addition, FIA UI also has KITA values (Commitment, Integrity, Transformative, Accountability) that are in line with the 9 Values of the Universitas Indonesia. 

Profile of Research Cluster at FIA UI 
Values of FIA UI: KITA 
9 Values of Universitas Indonesia 

Statuta Universitas Indonesia

Working with government

Researchers at FIA UI participate in providing advice to the government by becoming experts in their fields according to their competencies.

Lecturer Assigment Letter

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Indonesia through the Institute for the Study and Application of Administrative Sciences (LPPIA) carries out various collaborations to increase capacity and skills for policy and lawmakers. FIA UI also organizes Community Service Program as an effort to outreach. Here are the activities organized by FIA UI:

  1. Integrated Learning Program, which is a collaboration program between FIA UI and the Agam and Mahakam Ulu Regency Governments to provide education in the form of credit earning for ASN. This program will be integrated with undergraduate education programs.
  2. Policy Study, this is FIA UI’s collaboration program with various public sector institutions in order to carry out research/studies related to the fields of public administration, fiscal administration, and governance of commerce.
  3. The establishment of the Supervision Administration specialization in the FIA UI Master Program in collaboration with BPK RI as an effort to increase graduates with the capacity as auditors that aligns with the needs in Indonesia.
  4. Policy consultation and mentoring, this is a cooperation programs with various public sector institutions according to their needs.
  5. Training for human resources in the public sector to improve their ability to write policy papers and policy briefs.
  6. Community Service Program, which is a program carried out by FIA UI lecturers and students to increase the capacity and capability of human resources in the regions.

Policy and Lawmakers Held by FIA UI

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences actively participates in research with the government which produces policy briefs. The following is the policy brief produced in 2022

List of Goverment Research

One of the neutral platforms used to discuss several issues of interest and challenge is also represented in several activities or work programs of student organizations / Student Executive Board FIA UI. One of the activities that is often carried out is public discussion or “Kongkow” related to policy issues that are of public concern and also invites several policy makers or other related parties to be able to conduct joint discussions.

Kongkow 2022

Proportion of graduates in law and civil enforcement