SCHOTION: Againts Your Fear, Chase Your Dream
Studying abroad is about experiencing a foreign country — and the most beautiful, important part of a country’s culture is its people.” – Alexander Kolker
On Thursday (7/11/2019) at 14.00-17.00 WIB in M4 FIA UI auditorium, a talkshow was held by the Department of Advocacy and Student Welfare of BEM FIA UI 2019 named Schotion with the theme of seeing the wider world. This talkshow was held to provide information about the preparation of student exchanges in an informative, innovative, and solution way. Schotion is not only for Administrative Science Faculty Students but also open for public.
The event is divided into two sessions. The first session discussed about motivation and shared experiences of student exchange. In this session, there is a moderator with three different speakers was presented who would motivate the participants and share their experiences during a student exchange, namely Siwi Setyaningrum, S.Hum (International Officer, University of Indonesia), Dr. Visnu Juwono, S.E, MIA (International Office of the Faculty of Indonesian Administration) and Yuqqa Macdalena (Heidelberg University – DAAD schoolarship, Student of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences) as speakers and also Aji Basyeban as moderator.
Then in the second session discussed about tips & tricks on making motivation letters, CVs, and interviews, which are important aspects of the qualification requirements for the student exchange program. Together with the speakers, namely, Radyum Ikono and Carina Putri as moderators. Schotion also presented 4 scholarship stands, namely LPDP, IDP, Schoters, and Scholarship Friends as a place for participants to ask questions regarding student exchange. Judging from the attendance of the participants, this event was able to exceed the planned target audience. Students or participants who attended were 199 participants.