The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) through the wing of the Institute for the Assessment and Application of Administrative Sciences (LPPIA) is collaborating with the Malang Regency Regional Asset Cooperation Agency (BKAD) in implementing e-BMD in Malang Regency.

This was marked by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between FIA UI and BKAD Malang Regency on Thursday, 25 August 2022 in Building M, Floor 2, FIA UI Depok Campus.

Head of LPPIA FIA UI Dr. Milla Sepliana Setyowati, M.Ak. explained that later the LPPIA would play a role in assisting the administration of regional property management in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) Number 47 of 2021 concerning Procedures for Implementing Bookkeeping, Inventorying, and Reporting of Regional Property which must be implemented by all regional governments throughout Indonesia no later than 2 (two) ) years since the Permendagri was enacted on September 8, 2023 to be exact.

“To help local governments to more quickly and easily implement the Permendagri, assisted by the e-BMD application. We are ready to help how to use the application starting from the work stages: migration of December 31, 2021 audited asset data to 2022 initial balance in e-BMD; Bimtek use of e-BMD; and assistance with the use of e-BMD,” he said.

He said that several regional governments that had entered into cooperation agreements were one of them being the Jombang Regency Government; Malang Regency Government; and Kendari City Government. Several local governments that have submitted applications for cooperation are: Pemkab Solok; Probolinggo Regency Government; Kolaka Regency Government; Pemko Cimahi; Ngawi Regency Government; Kubu Raya Regency Government; Minahasa Regency Government; Central Sulawesi Province; Pemkab Merauke, and many other local governments will follow.

Head of the Regional Financial and Asset Agency for Malang Regency Wahyu Kurniati S.S., M.Sc. hope that this collaboration can run smoothly and the technical team can be facilitated for the use of e-BMD.

“Because this is very important for us so that the administration of our assets can be better according to the mandate of the Minister of Home Affairs,” he said.

It is known that the Head of Asset Division Dr.Yetty Nurhayati S.Sos., S.H., M.Hum., Central and Regional Financial Analyst Young Expert Yerry Siswanto, S.T., and Staff of the Asset Division Putra Prisma Lestari, M.Pd.