- e_prasojo@yahoo.com
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Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo, Mag.rer.publ. graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (UI) in 1995 with Cumlaude. After being appointed as a Civil Servant lecturer at UI in 2006, Eko Prasojo completed a Master’s program in Public Administration in 2000 and a Doctoral program in Public Administration in 2003 at the same university, namely Deutsche Hochschule fuer Verwaltungswissenschaften, Speyer, Germany, graduated with Cumlaude. Ten years after being appointed as a civil servant lecturer at UI, in July 2006, Eko Prasojo was appointed by the Indonesian government as a permanent professor at the Department of Administrative Sciences, FISIP UI at the age of 35.
Eko Prasojo who was born in Kijang (Riau Islands) in 1970, has served as Head of the Department of Administrative Sciences FISIP UI (2006-2009), Head of the Postgraduate Program in Administrative Sciences FISIP UI (2009-2011), became a member of the Academic Senate of the University of Indonesia (2006 -2011) and a member of the University of Indonesia Board of Trustees (MWA UI, 2006-2011). In addition, Eko Prasojo has also been the Chair of the Center for Regional and City Administration Development Studies FISIP UI (PKPADK), and Director of Local Governance Watch FISIP UI (LOGOWA 2010-2011). In the early years of his appointment as a lecturer, Eko Prasojo was also active as executive editor at Jurnal Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi (one of the journals accredited by the Indonesian Government (DIKTI)).
From October 2011 to October 2014, Eko Prasojo was appointed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia as Vice Minister of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform (Wamen PANRB). Before that, his career outside UI was also listed as a consultant and advisor to the Good Governance Assistance Program from Germany, GIZ-SfGG (2003-2009) at the MenPANRB Office. Both as a consultant and as Wamen PANRB, Eko Prasojo was involved in a team for drafting/revising various draft laws, which are currently partially ratified into laws such as the Law on State Civil Apparatus (UU ASN), Law on Government Administration (UU AP), the Regional Government Law (UU Pemda) and the Draft Law on the Government’s Internal Supervision System (RUU SPIP).
Eko Prasojo has also been a member of the Regional Autonomy Advisory Council (DPOD, 2006-2011), and a member and Chairman of the Independent National Bureaucratic Reform Team under the control of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (2009-2011, 2015-2021).
In various professional organizations, Eko Prasojo has been a member of the Steering Committee within the executive council of the Eastern Regional Organization of Public Administration (EROPA), President of the Asian Group for Public Administration (AGPA), Vice President of the Asian Association for Public Administration ( AAPA), General Chairperson of the Indonesian Association of Public Administration (IAPA), and Deputy General Chairperson of the Indonesian Association of Administrative Scholars (PERSADI).
Currently, Eko Prasojo is also a co-Researcher of the Korea Research Institute (KRI) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). From January 2014 to 2018, Eko Prasojo was appointed as a member of The United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration (UN CEPA).
Eko Prasojo was a Visiting Professor at the University of Freiburg (1998 and 2011), at the Graduate Research Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo (2010), and attended Harvard Executive Education at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (2011). Currently, Eko Prasojo is also the Chair of the Research Cluster Policy, Governance, and Administrative Reform (PGAR), at UI (since 2014). Eko Prasojo has published 15 books either alone or jointly (in Indonesian and English), and several articles in several conferences and journals. Some of his writings in book form include Democracy in the Land of Dreams (2005), Federalism and the Federal State (2006), Second Reform (2009), Decentralization and Regional Government (2009), and Leading Bureaucratic Reform (2019).
Eko Prasojo is also active in writing for the general daily Kompas, The Jakarta Post, Sindo, Media Indonesia, etc. The fields of research and teaching that are occupied and carried out to date include federalism and decentralization, democratization and local democracy, political economics in Bureaucracy, Administrative Reform, and Public Policy and Public Services Studies.
Eko Prasojo also received Satya Lencana Karya Satya for 10 and 20 years in his service as a civil servant in 2011 and Bintang Mahaputera Utama from the President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2014 as a token of government service to Eko Prasojo for his services as Deputy Minister of PAN-RB in pioneering various changes in bureaucracy. Received the 2017 MIPI Award from the Indonesian Political Science Society (MIPI), and the Braibant Award from IIAS in 2019.
Lately, from 2016-2020, Eko Prasojo has been the Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Indonesia; Head of the Independent National Bureaucratic Reform Team (TIRBN) 2015-2019 and 2019-2024; and since 2021 has been appointed as the Executive Secretary of the National Bureaucratic Reform Steering Committee.
- Elgar Encyclopedia of Public Management, Book chapter internasional, terbit perkiraan 11 Agustus 2022
Analysis of the performance management of the corruption eradication commission in optimizing the recovery of state losses, Artikel ilmiah Nasional, 22 Juni 2022 - Demokrasi di Negeri Mimpi (2005)
- Federalisme dan Negara Federal (2006)
- Reformasi Kedua (2009)
- Desentralisasi dan Pemerintahan Daerah (2009)
- Pemerintahan Daerah di Jerman dan Perancis (2010)
- Knowledge Creation in Public Administrations: Innovative Government in Southeast
Asia and Japan (di dalam Nonaka Ikijiro, 2017) - Leadership and Public Sectorm in Asia (bersama Evan Berman 2018)
- Memimpin Reformasi Birokrasi (2020)
- An Analysis of the Government System Reform in Indonesia: Defny, Eko Prasojo, Teguh Kurniawan
Reformasi dan Inovasi Birokrasi: Studi Kabupaten Sragen; Defny - Reformasi dan Inovasi Pemerintahan Daerah dalam Pembangunan Regional di Indonesia; Defny
Mengembalikan Hak-Hak Warga Negara dalam Pelayanan Publik - Strategi Besar Penataan Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia 2010-2025: Defny
- Peningkatan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan di Papua di Era Otonomi Khusus: Defny
- Dampak dan Permasalahan dalam Penyelenggaraan Daerah Otonom Baru : Defny, Eko Prasojo, Lina Miftahul Jannah, Desy Hariyati
- Dilema Partisipasi lokal Dalam Pembangunan Daerah Hasil Pemekaran.
- Dilema Pelayanan Lokal di Daerah Hasil Pemekaran: Studi di Daerah Kepulauan: Defny, Desy Hariyati
- Governance of Local Government in Indonesia: Regulatory Framework and Facts: Eko Prasojo, Defny, Desy Hariyati
- Penguatan Integritas dan Akuntabilitas Program
Distribusi Pupuk Bersubsidi: Defny - Understanding Big Bang Proliferation of Local Government in Indonesia: Eko Prasojo, Defny
- Menulis buku berjudul Reformasi Birokrasi Dalam Praktik
- Sound Governance Analysis in the Innovation of Traditional Market Revitalization and Street Vendors Management
- Melawan Diri Sendiri
- Internasionalisasi Isu dan Perjuangan Indonesia Memeluk Papua
- Reformasi Birokrasi dalam Transisi
- Policy for Implementing Housing Development Licensing for Low-Income Communities in Palembang City, in: International Journal of Science and Society, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2021.
- Collaborative Governance for Poverty Alleviation: A Systematic Mapping Study, in: RUDN Journal of Public Administration, 2021; 8 (1): 20–36. DOI: 10.22363/2312-8313-2021-8-1-20-36.
- Understanding Japan’s Civil Service System: Norms, Meritocracy, and Institutional Change, in: Policy and Governance Review (PGR), Vol. Issue 1, January, 2021
- Governance of Autonomous Higher Education Institution toward World Class University: A case Study at the Universitas Indonesia, in: Journal of Critical Review. Vol. 7. Issue 10. 2020.
- Intergovernmental Strategies Advancing Performance Management Use, in: Public Performance & Management Review, Online Journal, published by Francis and Taylor, March, 2020.
- Indonesia Urban Water Governance: The Interaction Between the Policy Domain of Urban Water Sector and Actors Network, in: International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 15, No. 2, March, 2020
- The Challenge of Reforming big bureaucracy in Indonesia, in: Policy Studies, published online 29 December, 2019
- A Model Multi-Layered Collaborative Governance for the Management and Restoration of the Ciliwung Watershed Ecosystem, in: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (JSSH) Vol 27 (T) April 2019
- Discourse on Affirmative Action as a Policy for Increasing Women’s Role in Indonesian Bureaucracy, in International Journal of Management and Administration Sciences (IJMAS), Vol. 6, No. 2, p 28-35, 2018
- Introduction to the mini special issue: Understanding Governance in Indonesia, in: Policy Studies, Vol 39, November 2018, p 581-588.
In conclusion – bridging the governance deficit, in: Policy Studies, Vol 39, November 2018, p 638-640 - Implementation of Public Service Quality Improvement Policies in the Framework of the Bureaucratic Reform Program within the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), Artikel ilmiah Internasional, 21 Juni 2022
- Handbook of Teaching Public Administration, Book chapter internasional, 16 Juni 2022
- Conceptual Framework for Cyber Competence of Military Institution Personnel in the Digital Age: A Literature Review, Artikel ilmiah Internasional, 02 Mei 2022
- DKI Jakarta’s Odd-Even Transportation Policy Formulation from The Perspective of Evidence Based Policy, Artikel ilmiah Nasional, 09 Februari 2022
- Competence and Performance Aspects in the Placement of the Head of Financial Affairs at the North Kalimantan Police Work Unit, Jurnal nasional terakreditasi, 07 Januari 2022
- Implementation of Public Service Quality Improvement Policies in the Framework of the Bureaucratic Reform Program within the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), Artikel ilmiah Internasional, 21 Juni 2022
- Handbook of Teaching Public Administration, Book chapter internasional, 16 Juni 2022
- Conceptual Framework for Cyber Competence of Military Institution Personnel in the Digital Age: A Literature Review, Artikel ilmiah Internasional, 02 Mei 2022
- DKI Jakarta’s Odd-Even Transportation Policy Formulation from The Perspective of Evidence Based Policy, Artikel ilmiah Nasional, 09 Februari 2022
- Competence and Performance Aspects in the Placement of the Head of Financial Affairs at the North Kalimantan Police Work Unit, Jurnal nasional terakreditasi, 07 Januari 2022
- Membangun Birokrasi yang Lincah, Kompas, 19 Januari 2020
- Normal Baru Birokrasi, Kompas, 13 Juni 2020
- Orkestrasi Reformasi Birokrasi, Kompas, 28 November, 2019
- Pangkas Eseleonisasi Birokrasi, Kompas, 26 Oktober, 2019
- Hilirisasi Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat di PT, Kompas, 29 April 2019
- Pilpres 2019 dan SDGs, Kompas, 1 November 2018
- Universitas dan Kebijakan Publik, Kompas, 22 Februari 2018
- Legitimasi Penjabat Kepala Daerah, Koran/majalah populer/majalah umum, 10 Mei 2022
- Membongkar Birokrasi Red Tape, Koran/majalah populer/majalah umum, 15 Maret 2022
- Freeman Fellow Salzburg Seminar (Austria, 2005)
- Bertelsmann-GTZ Transformation Thinkers (Jerman, 2009)
- DAAD Visiting Professor di University of Freiburg (Jerman, 1998 dan 2011)
- Visiting Professor di Graduate Research Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo (Jepang, 2010)
- Harvard Executive Education di Harvard Kennedy School of Government (USA, 2011)
- Public Policy Analyst Melbourne School of Government (Australia, 2015)
- Members of the International Board, Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt (Jerman, 2019 hingga kini)
- Advisory for Better Governance and Policy at Monash University (Australia, 2019 hingga kini)