FIA UI continues to strive to achieve the goals of Bureaucratic Reform, namely a clean, accountable and high-performing bureaucracy; an effective and efficient bureaucracy; and a bureaucracy that has quality public services. One indicator of bureaucratic reform is the establishment of an Integrity Zone (ZI). […]
Nasib Jakarta Tanpa Status Ibukota: Pendapat Multiperspektif dan Pembangunan Terintegrasi
Welcome to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI), for GREAT students. Thank you for coming to our beloved campus, FIA UI. FIA UI was originally a department at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia (FISIP UI). In […]
The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) is holding the 2022 FIA UI Capacity Building to strengthen the solidarity and competence of Lecturers and Education Staff (Tendik). As for this year, a capacity-building event will be held in Bali from 21 to […]
The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) got 1st place in the Monev Award for Highest Performance Contract Evaluation Achievement in the Faculty Category. With a score of 379,420, FIA UI was able to occupy the first position among 17 faculties, vocational […]
Development of Human Resources (HR) in the Public Sector, especially as a Policy Maker, needs to be strengthened by formal education at the tertiary level. The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) is here to meet this need, as an educational institution […]
Why is there an inconsistency between the President’s vision contained in various national priority programs, and the way the bureaucracy plans and budgets programs and activities based on government affairs? Some of the government’s development targets have not been fully achieved, for example, the poverty […]
What is a family business? A family business or family business is a commercial organization where the decision-making process is influenced by several generations of a family (those bound by blood and/or marriage) who are identified and attached to the company through leadership or ownership. […]
The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) continually strives to innovate and collaborate with various institutions, companies, institutions and organizations both in Indonesia and abroad to improve academic and non-academic quality at FIA UI. FIA UI also always opens up all opportunities […]
Archives are significant in an agency, institution, or organization because they involve documents or historical records of an event or activity in various forms and media. For this reason, archive management is essential to remember the importance of historical records or documents for all agencies […]