FIA UI continues to strive to achieve the goals of Bureaucratic Reform, namely a clean, accountable and high-performing bureaucracy; an effective and efficient bureaucracy; and a bureaucracy that has quality public services. One indicator of bureaucratic reform is the establishment of an Integrity Zone (ZI). For this reason, FIA UI built an Integrity Zone towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) in the UI Faculty of Administrative Sciences. The Dean of FIA UI, Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Si., M.M, revealed this.
“We, FIA UI, aim to develop transparent and accountable governance, so ZI development is an accelerator for making this happen. FIA UI is forming an FIA UI Integrity Zone Team towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Area (WBBM) through a Dean’s Decree, which is then updated through a University of Indonesia Chancellor’s Decree. This team is tasked with planning and supervising the implementation of ZI within the FIA,” said Prof. Chandra.
To realize WBK and WBBM, FIA UI has taken various innovative steps, including the establishment of the FIA UI ZI Team 2021-2022; preparation of ZI work plan documents from 2021 to 2025; conducting socialization of ZI development to FIA stakeholders; carrying out many digital service innovations such as SIPEDA, SIPERU, SIKOKIN, One data; creation of the ZI FIA logo; preparation of particular pages on the FIA website; preparation of service announcements, and others.
This was disclosed by Prof. Chandra at the UI ZI Award 2022 Visitation event on Friday, October 28, 2022 morning at FIA UI.
“Implementation of this Integrity Zone is not about who will get the first place or win, not about a document collecting competition but rather gives us inner satisfaction when WBK and WBBM are realized and how we can change and improve service improve governance. FIA UI deserves appreciation for its efforts to build ZI at FIA UI,” said Adi Sulistyo, Head of the Assessor Team for Development of Bureaucratic Reform and Integrity Zone Towards a Corruption-Free Area/Clean Bureaucratic Area and Serving the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.
Alexander AAS said that FIA UI has advantages such as complete facilities and a sufficient budget to run the program and realize ZI within the FIA UI environment. With ZI, the target of creating WBK and WBBM with an increase in ranking goes hand in hand because the achievement targets overlap. Aldi hopes that FIA UI will be able to contribute new ideas to build ZI and accelerate ZI.
“The most important thing to do is how to build togetherness so that faculty performance contracts can be achieved together. Since 2021, we have started to build the SIKOKIN system by going through various trials and errors. We are always making continuous improvements to form a system that can cover the performance of each work unit. We also monitor and evaluate every quarter, which is important to see where the achievements are and how to achieve the achievements that have not been achieved,” said Dr. Umanto, S. Sos, M. Si.
In this event, Yudi Pramudianto from the Assessor Team for the Development of Bureaucratic Reform and the Integrity Zone said that the fundamental thing in implementing a program or a policy is to see the outcome in the form of an impact that will be given to the community environment. ZI implementation is also expected to run and positively affect the community within the FIA UI.
“FIA UI has taken one step further to develop and accelerate the implementation of ZI. ZI is a step toward forming a corruption-free area. In pursuing this, we need reinforcement from supervision. In addition, it is also important to mitigate risks to anticipate things that may occur during the ZI service process,” said Yudi.
Drs. Kusnar Budi Handaka, M.Bus, Head of UPMA SPI and Coordinator of Supervision Leverage, explained that creating Human Resources (HR) who can avoid acts of Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism (KKN) is the most crucial thing in creating WBK and WBBM. To make these human resources, said Drs. Kusnar, FIA UI held courses on creating an anti-corruption culture for students.
“Integrity enforcement at FIA UI in the academic field is carried out with various academic products such as writing, etc. Public complaints have also been opened, outreach to lecturers, academic staff (tendik), and students about the prevention of KKN has also been carried out,” said Drs. Kusnar.
Prof. Chandra added that concerning risk mitigation, FIA UI has a risk officer and also routinely carries out risk management which holds risk providing every year. In making a service innovation for the community, said Prof. Chandra, FIA UI always conducts a risk analysis before implementing the policy.
“All FIA UI academics must build on KITA values (Commitment, Integrity, Transformation and Trustworthiness). FIA KITA, KITA FIA, “concluded Prof. Chandra.
For information, every Integrity Zone Leverage Coordinator at FIA UI, Dr. Umanto, M.Si, Coordinator of Change Management Leverage; Muhammad Imam Alfie Syarien, S.Sos., MPA, Coordinator of Management Leverage; Indriani, S.E., MA, Human Resource Management Leverage Coordinator; Debie Puspasari, M.P.A, Coordinator of Strengthening Accountability Leverage; Drs. Kusnar Budi, M.Bus, Coordinator of Supervision Strengthening Leverage Coordinator; and Dr. Achmad Lutfi, M.Sc., Coordinator of Public Service Quality Improvement Leverage.