The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) continually strives to innovate and collaborate with various institutions, companies, institutions and organizations both in Indonesia and abroad to improve academic and non-academic quality at FIA UI. FIA UI also always opens up all opportunities and develops all things that have the potential to benefit FIA itself and those we work with.
This was revealed by the Head of the FIA UI International Office, Dr. Phil. Reza Fathurrahman, MPP during the Visit of the Science & Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) & the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia Thursday, October 13, 2022 afternoon at Smart Class M301, 3rd Floor, Building M FIA UI.
“Indonesia, with all its problems and challenges, is interesting to study, especially in policy functions, financial policies, and others. On the other hand, Indonesia has the best universities that can contribute to policy, namely the University of Indonesia, especially the Faculty of Administrative Sciences. We thank you for the kind welcome from FIA UI. I hope that in this event, we can exchange ideas and provide mutual benefits,” said Prof. Seong-soo Kim, a Hankuk University of Foreign Studies professor.
Furthermore, Dr. Reza said that FIA UI provides various programs, both degree and non-degree, which are held for the benefit of education in Indonesia. As a university with the Top 5 ASEAN rankings, said Dr. Reza, FIA UI has the vision to become a superior knowledge development centre in administration and policy studies and tri-dharma-based strategic governance of higher education in Southeast Asia.
“Indonesia needs a transformation to survive in the present and the future. For this reason, Indonesia needs innovative and qualified young researchers. We do research for the good of the masses, not just for ourselves or our respective institutions. Therefore, universities as centres of interaction between business, society and government must continue to develop themselves in a better direction,” said Dra. Novita Ikasari, M.Comm, Ph.D Head of Administration and Commerce.
Prof. Ki-Seok Kwon Professor from Hanbat National University, explained the points of the K-Innovation Partnership Program With Indonesia in 2022, namely 1) The K-Innovation Partnership Program is STEPI-Korea’s collaboration with various countries related to Indonesia’s Science-Technology-Innovation (STI) Policy as part of from the STI Policy Cooperation between the National Research and Development Agency ( BRIN) and South Korea’s STEPI. 2) The three forms of cooperation are 1) research, 2) capacity building. 3) policy consulting.
“In addition, later, both Indonesia (BRN) and South Korea (STEPI and Partners) will prepare experts to conduct research, capacity building and policy consultation,” said Prof. Ki Seok .
Debie Puspasari, S.I.A, M.A Head of Public Relations and Representative Partnerships from the Democracy and Regional Governance Cluster Research (DeLOGO), revealed that FIA UI has a role in creating a researcher and contributing to the country. At FIA UI, students are trained to become young researchers in various things, such as doing projects with institutions, companies, agencies and others in the form of making policies or conducting policy evaluations.
“We hope we can collaborate again in the future between BRIN and FIA because we have the same background, so that we can work together. FIA UI, with available study programs, namely commerce, fiscal and public, is certainly very suitable for the needs of policy makers and others for the smooth running of our work,” said Maulana Akbar from BRIN.
At this event, STEPI was represented by Prof. Ki-Seok Kwon Professor from Hanbat National University; Dr. Changyul Lee, Hankuk Professor from the University of Foreign Studies (HUFS); Dr. Deok Soon Yim, STEPI Senior Research Fellow; Dr. Eun Joo Kim, STEP Principal Researcher; Ms. Shinae Kang, STEPI Researcher; and Dr. Jong-Seon Kim, Research Fellow (PM). From BRIN, the Yuka Asmara Award was also attended; Yustina Nita Sulistami ; Sofia Yuniar Sani; Aditya Vishnu Pradana; and Dhian Kusumawardhani.
Meanwhile, the FIA UI itself was represented by Dr. Teguh Kurniawan, M.Sc Head of General Administration; Dr. Inayati, M.Si Head of the Department of Fiscal Administration; Julyan Ferdiansyah, S.I.A, M.A Representative from the Policy, Governance and Administrative Reform Research Cluster; Krisna Puji Rahmayanti, S.I.A., M.P.A. Representative from Collaborative Governance and Dynamic Public Service CGDPS Research Cluster; Prof. Dr. Haula Rosdiana, M.Si Head of Political Research on Taxation, Welfare, and National Defense; Prof. Ir. Bernardus Yuliarto Nugroho, MSM., Ph.D Head of Financial Institution Cluster Research; and Syifa Amania Afra, S.I.A International Office Staff.