The Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI), Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Sc., M.M officially inaugurated the new board of student organizations for the 2022-2023 period, Monday (21/2/2022).
The event went well, which began with singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya together by all participants of the inauguration ceremony. The event was continued with the reading of the Decree of the Student Deliberation of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences UI by representatives from the Student Representative Body (BPM), Haidar Ali. Then it was continued with the reading of the Decree by the Student Coordinator of FIA UI, Wahyu Mahendra, S.I.A., M.Egov.
Prof. Chandra expressed his gratitude to the administrators of the 2021 FIA UI student organization who had carried out their duties for the past year. “I give my appreciation to all leaders and administrators of student organizations in 2021,” he said.
Prof. Chandra said that in 2021, FIA UI students had won 223 achievements at the university, national and international levels.
Furthermore, Prof. Chandra conveyed several messages to the administrators of the 2022 FIA UI student organization. He hoped that the new management could improve the achievements that had been achieved in the previous year. “I advise the new management to be able to improve and build capacity, creativity, solidarity, and benefit for all students and the campus,” said Prof Chandra.
In addition, he also hopes that student organizations are able to collaborate and synergize with the FIA UI Alumni Association, the UI Student Parents Association (IOM), the UI Faculty of Administrative Sciences, and lecturers through various programs. He stated this to be able to improve achievement as well as services and a conducive academic and non-academic climate.
“I hope that the new management will be able to introduce the positive name of FIA UI through the activities you are doing and the programs that you will initiate. Once again, I wish you good luck,” said Prof. Chandra.
It is known that around 80 students attended the inauguration online. They come from FIA UI student organizations, namely the Student Representative Body (BPM), Student Executive Board (BEM), FIA UI Islamic Family (KAIFA), Public Administration Student Association (HIMANERA), Business Administration Student Association (HIMANIA), Administration Study Group Fiscal Affairs (KOSTAF), and the Graduate Student Association.