Amid the rampant conditions of the Covid-19 outbreak, all lecture activities at the University of Indonesia are required to use the Distance Education (PJJ) method. For more than a month, PJJ’s activities at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) still have some technical constraints such as internet connection in difficult areas to PJJ lecture activities that consume quite large internet quotas.
Therefore, FIA UI conducted training on the use of Google Meet and Microsoft Teams for PJJ video recording. This training activity is not only a learning tool for teachers to create effective teaching content, but also as a forum for discussion between teachers in dealing with PJJ constraints so far, said Umanto as Manager of Education and Student Affairs at FIA UI.
Teguh Kurniawan (Lecturer of the Department of Public administration) who was the guest speaker in this training explained that students in implementing PJJ were still constrained by several technical issues, for example related to internet signals and the amount of internet quota needed in accessing learning with PJJ.
“So for that we need the PJJ method that is not asynchronous, which does not have to be live and of course this reduces the burden on students, especially quotas, because this method does not take up as much quota as if we were meeting directly online,” he said.
With this training, FIA UI instructors are expected to be able to utilize asynchronous methods such as giving videos or presentation only, so as to reduce the burden on students in organizing PJJ learning.