Hisyam Yusril Hidayat, Most Outstanding Student Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Indonesia (FIA UI) 2020, is a student of the 2017 Public Administration Study. He was grateful to be able to receive the award while expressing his deepest gratitude for the support of various parties.
The selected Most Outstanding Student wrote a scientific paper with the title “Development of Disaster Early Warning System Through Disaster Map 2.0 and Its Effect on Sustainable Development Achievement”. This paper successfully outperformed 6 other interesting works. In addition to winning the competition, Hisyam also won the best paper category.
The holding of the FIA UI Most Outstanding Student Election Event in 2020 continued in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic. This selection activity is carried out online using the Google Meet platform, Tuesday (05/19/20). This does not become a barrier for candidates to remain able to produce scientific work that is full of ideas and is very critical.
Chairman of the Jury Board Dr. Fibria Indriati said that the selection included several stages, namely administration selection, presentation of papers in Indonesian, presentation of papers in English and selection of favorite mapres through Likes on the Instagram social media platform.
In addition, one of the candidates from Public administration Yasin Alibi was awarded runner-up 1 and another candidate from Fiscal Administration Science Florencia Malau was chosen as runner-up 2.
There is also a coronation of outstanding students with other categories, namely the Best CV Category won by Yasin Alibi from Business Administration, the Best Presenter Category by Siti Alya from Business Administration, and the Favorite Student Achievement Category, Dyah Ayu Febriani, from Public Administration Science. (Siti / Negara18)