Commemorating 5 Years of Service for the Nation and State, FIA UI Held Bedah Buku
Depok (5/3) – In this era of globalization that is highly connected, Indonesia needs to re-think about the decentralized system and practice that has been running until now. For example, the government needs to think about how asynchronous central and regional authorities can hamper a country’s competitiveness.
Therefore, in commemoration of Lustrum (5th anniversary), the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) concretely answered the challenge through Book Review, which is one of a series of events at the 5th FIA UI Anniversary in the Auditorium Juwono Sudarsono Universita Indonesia, Thursday (5/3/20).
This program dissected three books namely ‘Leading Bureaucratic Reform’ written by the Dean of FIA UI Eko Prasojo, ‘Two Sides of Currency’ written by Hora Tjitra, and the book ‘Tax and Funding of Indonesian Civilization’ by Partner Tax Research & Training Services DDTC by DDTC Partners Bawono Kristiaji.
In his remarks, Dean of FIA UI Eko Prasojo explained that no matter how good the regulations that are owned by Indonesia, if the bureaucracy that runs it is not good and still corrupt, it will not be well implemented.
“Difficulties in investment are not solely a problem at the center, but rather a problem in the region, because the licensing problem also lies in the regions. The actual quality of local elections (pilkada) also affects how the bureaucracy works,” he said.
Afterwards, the book review program began with the presentation of the book ‘Leading the Bureaucratic Reform’ by Eko Prasojo. On his occasion, Eko explained that in the future, the bureaucracy in Indonesia will be very dependent on globalization and digitalization.
“The key is in good political and democratic quality, strong institutions and governance, and economic development strategies. For that, there must be a change from the internal government itself,” he explained.
“In the future, the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) can work anywhere not need to be bound by time and place. Therefore, in the future the most important aspect is not attendance, but the work products produced. Therefore, in the new Capital I hope there aren’t too many buildings built, “he said.
The next discussion, Hora Tjitra explained in his book ‘Two Sides of Currency’, that changes in the organization of keywords lie in the system and its leaders. “In Indonesia what is important is how to change people and the difficulties faced by leaders to change employees. Meanwhile, if abroad, the focus is more on the system,” he said.
According to him, a good change must be from two sides. “Change must think about the long-term aspects. Change from the leader (leader) is the key in learning, about how leaders want to continue to learn and improve,” explained Hora.
Next, Bawono Kristiaji, who is familiarly called Aji, explained that the book ‘Taxation and Funding of Indonesian Civilization’ offers a context of reform and administration in the field of taxation.
“Tax fragmentation which consists of multidisciplinary, but in essence must be returned thoroughly to the discipline of administration and politics. Optimal tax collection is based on four things, namely the contra-performance carried out by the state, fiscal contracts, conditions of society, and political commitment,” said Aji
In addition, according to him, political commitment is also the main thing. “The history of Indonesian civilization is highly dependent on political will. This commitment sometimes causes changes to stop in the middle of the road or not be resolved,” he explained.
Known, this year’s FIA UI Anniversary Lustrum raises the theme of Globalization and Decentralization: FIA UI’s Service for the Nation and Nation. The book review event was also attended by more than 150 participants from the general public.
Known, this year’s FIA UI Anniversary Lustrum raises the theme of Globalization and Decentralization: FIA UI’s Service for the Nation and Nation. The book review event was also attended by more than 200 participants from the general public, students and alumni of FIA UI.
The three books were discussed by the Minister of PANRB 2011-2014 Azwar Abubakar, Indonesian Tax Professor Haula Rosdiana, and Pantius Drahen Soeling’s private sector HR expert. Also attending the event was KASN Chairman Agus Pramusinto, KASN Commissioner Rudi Sumarwono, Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance 2005 J.B. Kristiadi, LIPI Senior Researcher Siti Zuhro, and Professor of UGM Public Policy Mustopadidjaja.