Drs. Mohammad Riduansyah, M.Sc. took education in the Department of Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia and received an Academic Improvement Program (PPA) from the Ministry of Education and Culture. And since students (1983) have become assistant lecturers in the subject of Human Resource Development and Administrative Ecology. After completing his Bachelor of Public Administration in 1987, he was immediately appointed as a Civil Servant (PNS) with the status of Permanent Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Sciences and currently occupies an academic position with the last rank of Head Associate Professor (IV-b). Throughout his career and serving at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, various positions have been entrusted with the Faculty Leaders and University Leaders. In 1988-1993, he served as Coordinator Secretary and was also a member of the Office and Secretariat Administration Study Program. Once the Diploma 3 Administration Program was approved by the Head of the Faculty and the University, the position as Secretary of the first Diploma 3 program was entrusted to him from 1989-1998. In the midst of busyness and participating in developing the Diploma 3 Program, in 1993 he continued his Masters at the University of Indonesia on a scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Culture (TMPD). After completing his S2 studies various other positions that have been entrusted with are Secretary of the Postgraduate Administration Program (2000-2005), Chair of the Diploma 3 Program in Administrative Sciences (2005-2008). In 2008 the Diploma Programs in various Faculties were united in one place of the University of Indonesia Vocational Program, and the position of Chair of the Field of Study was still entrusted with the Leadership of Vocational Studies (2008-2012), and since January 2012 the University Leaders have been assigned as Vice Chair of the Vocational Program until February 2014 In addition to structural positions, he was also believed to sit as a member of the Faculty Academic Senate (2007-2014), member of the University Academic Senate (2007-2011) and various positions in other committees; such as the Prajudi Building Construction Committee, Koentaraningrat Building, Selo Soemardjan Building and Vocational Building, University of Indonesia. Despite occupying various positions, academic and other career paths are never forgotten. Various studies have been carried out with the theme of regional government, organization and management as well as urban and regional development studies, both individual research and collaboration with various private and government agencies. Has written in journals and participated in various national and international seminars, discussions and symposia.