Prof. Ferdinand Dehoutman Saragih, MA

He was born in Pekanbaru, 3 August 1961. Completed elementary school education from Cendana Elementary School in PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI) Rumbai, Pekanbaru in 1973. Cendana Middle School, PT CPI Rumbai, Pekanbaru in 1976, and High school Cendana, PT CPI Rumbai, Pekanbaru in 1980. Graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Indonesia in 1985.

He obtained his Master of Arts in Management from Canterbury Business School, University of Kent in Canterbury (UKC) in England in 1991 In 2002, he earned a Doctorate in finance from the University of Indonesia’s Faculty of Economics (FE UI). In November 2007, he was confirmed as a Permanent Professor in the field of International Financial Sciences at the University of Indonesia, with an inaugural speech entitled: Financial Market Integration: Towards Acceleration of Asean Capital Market Integration.

Currently, he is active as an economic and financial observer, and writes various books and articles on financial research results, and organizations in national and international scientific journals, and in national newspapers. egration: Towards Acceleration of ASEAN Capital Market Integration. In the academic environment, he is active as a permanent lecturer, both at the diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate level (S2 and S3) at FISIP UI (Department of Administrative Sciences: (a) Financial management, (b) International Finance, (c) Managerial Economics, (d) Planning and Program Evaluation, (e) Strategic Management, (f) Quantitative Techniques, (g) Statistics, and (h) Quantitative Research Methods, and the Department of Communication Sciences (Postgraduate): (a) Managerial Economics, and (d )) Strategic Management); and Teaching Staff in the Management UI Postgraduate Program (International Seminar on Investment and Finance-Doctoral Program-2002, Research Seminar & Empirical Methods, and Asset Management-2009-Doctoral Program-2003, Analysis of Financial Reports-Masters / S2 Programs, since 2008 ); and Lecturer at the University of Bina Nusantara-Curtin Postgraduate University (Double Degree) in Accounting and Information, subjects: Financial Accounting (1995-1999). He was a member of the faculty senate at FISIP in the 2003-2007 period, Managing Director of Business and Bureaucratic Journals, Department of Administrative Sciences, FISIP-UI, 2002-2007, Director of the A3 Competition Grant Program for the Regular S1 Business Administration Program-FISIP-UI, 2006-2008, Chair of the Executive Class Program (Extension), Department of Administrative Sciences, FISIP UI, 1995-1999, and Chair of the FISIP UI Commercial Administration Study Program from 1992 to 2009; and now (since May 2009) has been approved as a Member of the Core Team of the UI Professors Board for Higher Education Lecturer Certification in Indonesia, and the head of the Business School Formation Team representing the Business Administration Study Program, FISIP UI with the Department of Management, FE UI. Since 2004, he has been seconded as a Member of the Review Committee for the Technology and Professional Skills Development Project (TPSDP) project under the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Director General of Higher Education, and Member of the Review Committee for the Accredited Scientific Journal of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Republic of Indonesia.

Since 2008, he was appointed as Chair of the Indonesian Business Administration Science Association (AIBI). Since January 26, 2012 was appointed as a member of the ISIP UI Faculty Senate, and on February 13, 2012 he was appointed as the University Academic Senate at UI. Currently approved as Chair of the FIA ​​UI Professor Council, Chair of the FIA ​​UI Financial Institution Cluster Resarch, member of the UI Professor Council and the Academic Senate of the UI.

a. Ekonomitrika: Teori dan Aplikasi (bersama J. Manurung dan AH. Manrung, PT Elex Media Komputindo, 2005),
b. Dasar-Dasar Keuangan Bisnis (bersama AH Manurung & J. Manurung, PT Elex Media Komputindo,
c. Ekonometrika (bersama J. Manurung & AH. Manuruf, 2005),
d. Dasar-Dasar Keuangan Internasional (bersama B.Y. Nugroho, Rajawali Press, 2014),
e. Econometrics: Theory & Application (bersama J. Manurung & AH. Manurung, Elex Media Komputindo, 2005),
f. Metode Kuantitatif: Pendekatan Pengambilan Keputusan untuk Ilmu Sosial dan Bisnis (bersama BY. Nugroho & U. Eko, Penerbit Salemba Humanika, Edisi 2, 2012,
g. Matematika Ekonomi & Bisnis (bersama BY. Nugroho & M. Sinaga, PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2014),

h. Menciptakan Pelayanan Publik Yang Prima Melalui Metoda Benchmarking Praktis, Jurnal Bisnis dan Birokrasi 14[3], 2006),
i. Trustworthniess Perception & Decision to Conduct Transactions through E-Commerce Websites in Indonesia (with DT. Sinay, Jurnal Bisnis & Birokrasi 21 [3], 137-145, 2015),
j. Corporate Governance Characteristics & Company Performance (with BY. Nugroho & U. Eko, Bisnis & Birokrasi Journal, 19 [1], 2013,
k. Analisis Pengaruh Market Timing Terhadap Struktur Modal Perusahaan Non-Keuangan Yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (bersama F. Felicia, Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis 11 [2], 2015),
l. Pengaruh Struktur Modal Harga Batubara Acuan dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Nilai Persahaan Sub Sektor Pertambangan Batubara Yang Tercatat Pada BEI Tahun 2012-2016 (bersama R. Peraningangin, Jurnal Riset Perbankan Manajemen dan Akuntansi 3 [2], 157-170, 2019,
m. Analisis Budaya Organisasi Pada Perusahaan (bersama PT. Srihadi, Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Bisnis dan Inovasi 3 [1], 1-15, 2019,
n, Utilizing Maxwelll-Boltzmann Statistics to Predict Dynamic Trend Lines and Percentage of Price Changes (with JP Kaunang & BY. Nugroho, The First International Conference on Administrative Sciences and Governance Studies (ICAS-PGS 2017) and the Second Internaional Conference on Business Administration & Policy [ICBAP 2017]),
o. Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Insight from the Case of Women Entrepreneurs in Indonesia (with K. Isolopu & R. Kusumastuti, International Journal of Management & Administrative Sciences [IJMAS], 2018,

p. Analysis of Credit Risk Measurement Using Credit Risk + Method (A Study of PT XYZ [Persero] Tbk SME Loans for 2016-2018) (bersama A Carver & BY. Nugroho, Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Humanities, Industry, and Technology for Society, EUDL,ACHITS 2019, 30-31 July 2019, Surabaya, Indonesia),
q. Effect of Organizationak Culture on Individual Work Performance and Organizational Performance (A Study of PT Kramayudha Tiga Berlian Motors) (with PT. Srihadi & BY. Nugroho, Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Humanities, Industry, and Technology for Society, EUDL, ACHITS 2019, 30-31 July 2019, Surabaya, Indonesia),
r. Implementation of the Government Credit Card Policy in the Ministry of Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (with PN Kurniati& BY. Nugroho, Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Humanities, Industry, and Technology for Society, EUDL, ACHITS 2019, 30-31 July 2019, Surabaya, Indonesia),
s. Contingency Perspective of Strategic Human Resource Management in the System Dynamics Model: The Case of the Branch Office of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk in Medan Regional Office Indonesia (with A. Junita & AW. Atmoko, International Journal of Management and Administrative Sciences, Vol 6, No. 4 [11-33], 2019).