The Open University (UT) visited the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI), to discuss evaluating the quality assurance of the Postgraduate Study Program. UT stated that the purpose of this visit was to improve the quality of teaching and postgraduate graduates, especially the Doctoral Program. FIA UI welcomes the intent of the UT team’s arrival.
“One of the educational programs offered at FIA UI is a doctoral or doctoral study program. The doctoral program is a cost centre, so we expect scientific contributions, at least student publications. FIA UI continues to strive and innovate to improve the quality or quality of our graduates, including graduates of the FIA UI doctoral program,” said Dr. Fibria Indriati Dwi Liestiawati, S.Sos., M.Sc., as Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs at FIA UI.
In the discussion, UT also discussed the requirements, number, and qualifications related to the promotion team, examiners, and dissertation discussants for each doctoral candidate. “The Open University is intensifying steps to attract prospective doctoral program students. Apart from that, we also hope that students who are currently in college can be motivated to complete their studies well and optimally,” said Dr. Susanti, M.Sc., Chair of the UT Public Administration Doctoral Study Program.
FIA UI, said Dr. Fibria, expects scientific contributions, at least student publications. However, after we carry out identification and evaluation, it turns out this has faced various obstacles. Therefore, we took steps to gather students and discuss the problems students were facing. It turned out that during a pandemic, students experienced limitations in data collection, sharing, and meeting with supervisors. So we approach and motivate them and carry out regular monitoring to support each student’s graduation.
“FIA UI students, especially doctoral program students, have different scientific backgrounds such as MIPA, health, engineering, philosophy, etc. This is certainly a challenge for promoters and co-promoters to direct them to produce publications based on administrative science. Therefore, for admissions, the Post-FIA Program is very limited with promoters and co-promoters, so they cannot accept more than 16 students/class,” said Dr. Fibria.
For information, this discussion activity took place on Thursday, January 26 2023, in the Main Meeting Room of Building M Floor 2 FIA UI. I was also attending from UT: Faizal Madya; Darwanto Tarigan; Aji Fajar; Broto’s Mani Festivities. Meanwhile, FIA UI was represented by Dr. Phil. Reza Fathurrahman, MPP.; Dr. Prianto Budi Saptono, M.B.A .; Suyanto; and Adhelia Budi Pratiwi, S.I.A.