mproving Human Resources, FIA UI with Lemdiklat Polri Initiates Collaboration
The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) together with the Indonesian Police Education and Training Institute (Lemdiklat Polri) strengthens cooperation in efforts to improve the quality of the Human Resources (HR) of its officers.
This cooperation step was initiated through a meeting between the Head of National Police Education and Training Center Commissioner General Arief Sulistyanto with the Dean of FIA UI Eko Prasojo at the National Police Education and Training Center Headquarters, Ciputat, South Jakarta, Thursday (9/1/20).
The initiation of this collaboration was followed by the enthusiasm of the National Police to change the culture, mindset and mental models of the HR. Polri’s competence and professionalism are not only in the operational technical competence of the police, but also in managerial competencies, such as leadership and change management.
Within this framework, FIA UI described various ongoing and ongoing collaborations with the National Police, namely the Master of Administration and HR Policy, and Executive Development Program (EDP) training program for 120 Polri officers in Policy analysis, leadership, and change management.
“Closest, maybe we can start the collaboration through EDP for leadership, performance management, strategic management, change management, and policy analysis,” Eko explained.
After the program’s explanation, the concrete plans agreed upon between FIA UI and the National Police will be followed up with technical and tactical steps. “So that the joint mission to advance Indonesia through the development of superior human resources in accordance with the vision of advanced Indonesia will be realized,” said Komjen Pol Arief Sulistyanto.
To note, this program is the implementation of the first National Police Chief priority program to realize superior and ready-to-work National Police HR.
The meeting was attended by the FIA UI, Secretary of the Chairman Zuliansya P.Z, Head of the Postgraduate Program Irfan Ridwan Maksum, Umanto Education-Student Manager, Postgraduate Program Secretary Teguh Kurniawan, Coordinator of Cooperation and Venture Desy Hariyati.