A collaboration discussion meeting with the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) University of Indonesia (UI) with Blibli.com was held on Monday (20/6/2022) afternoon at the FIA ​​UI Building.

The event started with remarks by the Dean of FIA UI Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Sc., MM who said that FIA welcomed the collaboration between FIA UI and Blibli. “I want to introduce a little about FIA UI. We try to build an ecosystem to create children who become job creators through various programs ranging from various elective courses, RSCC laboratories, collaboration with various parties, young entrepreneurship challenges, and others,” he said.

In his explanation, Prof Chandra also invited Blibli to work together in various fields ranging from learning management systems, trainings, internships, and others.

Then, Head of the Department of Commerce Administration, Novita Ikasari, added that Blibli could work with FIA UI to help FIA UI students through knowledge investment.

“We hope that Blibli can be a mentor to help with the incubation of student ideas. Our intention is not only limited to commercial study programs, but all study programs and even alumni are allowed because they are not bound. We hope that collaboration on business, technology, and others can be established between FIA and Blibli,” said Novita.

Novita explained that the internship program is a collaboration program that is in accordance with the current situation of FIA students so that FIA students are able to become entrepreneurs by using experience about how the company works, namely Blibli.

Then, FIA UI introduced several ideas from several students which were the result of their own entrepreneurial ideas. Prof. Chandra added that each of these products and services is based on a problem in the market. So all products have a story.

Previously, Blibli sent a letter regarding the collaboration, namely an internship to FIA UI. However, Prof Chandra said that the collaboration between FIA UI and Blibli could be carried out in various programs, not only through the internship program because Blibli has the same vision, namely developing young people to develop their creative ideas.

“We thank you very much, there are many collaborations that can be built. The study program at FIA is the best study program in Indonesia in the social humanities field. We also prepare a curriculum to create student entrepreneurs and job creatures. So that the collaboration between FIA UI and Blibli can run not only on commercial study programs, but also all study programs,” explained Prof. Chandra.

The event was closed by Prof. Chandra by saying that he hoped that this collaboration could run well for the benefit of the two institutions, namely FIA UI and Blibli.

For information, this event was attended by Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Sc., MM; Novita Ikasari, M.Comm., Ph.D; Fibria Indriati, M.Si; Dr. Inayati, M.Si; Dr. Umanto, S. Sos, M. Si; Dra. Eva Andayani, M.Si; Dr. Milla Sepliana Setyowati, S.Sos, M.Ak; and Muhammad Imam Alfie Syarien, S.Sos., MPA. Meanwhile, Blibli was represented by Mario Audris; Rian Thamrin; and Claresa W.