Not wanting to burden students, FIA UI Adjusts PJJ Platform with Student Capabilities
As directed by the Chancellor of the University of Indonesia on Students and Lecturers required to carry out Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) through the Distance Learning method (PJJ), the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) uses a variety of platforms and applications that are tailored to the needs of abilities so as not to burden students.
The platforms used in the KBM PJJ at FIA UI are GOLD, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, and other media that can be used like Whatsapp. The application used is adapted to the ability of students to access both in terms of network and quota so as not to burden students.
Starting on Wednesday (3/18/2020), FIA UI students have begun to implement KBM and Midterm Examinations (UTS) (23/3) using PJJ. FIA UI Education and Student Manager Umanto explained that the implementation of the KBM and UTS at FIA UI with PJJ went smoothly. In addition, the management of the faculty is also preparing evaluation materials from this PJJ activity so that the KBM can run well and is conducive.
“It went well and with some adjustments made by the lecturers. Specifically for the implementation of UTS which was carried out through video conferencing media, the Lecturer Coordinator actively involved a team of lecturers and department staff to help become supervisors of online examinations. We will also gradually develop mechanisms for evaluation of the implementation of PJJ “he said.
FIA UI Dean Eko Prasojo on another occasion also mentioned that digitalization in the industrial era 4.0 would bring many changes. Therefore, the readiness of FIA UI in dealing with these changes was adapted to the implementation of this PJJ so that FIA UI readily responded to the dynamics of the times.