The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) is ready to provide inclusive and equitable education through various excellent programs for all people in Indonesia. One of them is the FIA UI Pre-University. Pre-University prepares high school students of the same level to experience being a student while still holding a high school degree. This was conveyed by Debie Puspasari, a Lecturer and Coordinator of Public Relations at FIA UI.
“The FIA UI Pre-University Program will prepare fellow high school students to become students. Through this program, friends will feel what it’s like to be a student. The Pre-U program is the same as the FIA UI Undergraduate Program curriculum but is implemented fully online so friends can learn from anywhere,” said Debie.
Dr. Umanto, S. Sos, M. Si, Secretary of the FIA UI, said that FIA UI is the youngest faculty at the University of Indonesia. However, continued Dr. Umanto, FIA UI has succeeded in scoring various achievements, both academic and non-academic. Furthermore, Dr. Umanto explained that the undergraduate program at FIA UI consists of three departments: State Administration Science, Business Administration Science, and Fiscal Administration Science.
“At FIA UI, we not only prepare students to become workers, but we also equip students with various knowledge about entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship so that later they will be able to create jobs,” added Dr. Umanto.
The above was explained in the visit of SMAIT Fithrah Insani Baleendah to FIA UI on Thursday, 10 November 2022 morning at the FIA UI Auditorium.
“We are very grateful to FIA UI for welcoming us here warmly and kindly. We came here because FIA UI is the faculty that our students like the most. This campus, FIA UI, has become very ripe to be used to gain knowledge. For that, all friends, please learn a lot here and take as much knowledge as possible from FIA UI students,” said Sofyan Arisandi, S.Pd as Head of SMAIT Fithrah Insani Baleendah to FIA UI.
In this event, a student talk show sharing session was held, represented by four students from the Undergraduate Program in State Administration, Commerce, and Fiscal. As many as 90 students asked questions related to the FIA UI undergraduate program regarding lecturers, the campus environment, and the lecture process.