The Covid-19 pandemic made many changes in every line of life for people worldwide, including Indonesia. At a time like this, it takes a nation that is innovative, able to make decisions, and able to collaborate synergistically. Professionalism, leadership, and networking are the main competencies to create a glorious career. The alums are expected to have these competencies to meet the current market demand for human resources.
“For undergraduate alumni, this seminar is to prepare and equip friends to enter the world of work. Before pre-graduation, you already understood how you could take steps to create the best career path after graduation. Hopefully, through the seminar, filled with inspiring FIA UI alumni, friends can learn a lot, yes,” said Secretary of the UI Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Dr. Umanto, S. Sos, M. Si.
Debie Puspasari, M.P.A., as the moderator, opened the discussion session in this seminar by explaining at least the discussion from FIA UI alums. They will be equipped with knowledge of HR competence, professionalism and leadership, which is very much needed in the current world of work, which is very dynamic after the Covid-19 Pandemic. The reason, said Debie, is that performance and professionalism will be significantly tested in the first year of a career.
“After the pandemic, which has changed our perspective on many things, we need to realize that we currently need people who are willing and willing to learn and able to make decisions quickly in an uncertain situation. Apart from that, we will also face various unpredictable and far-fetched problems. Hence, we need synergistic collaboration and innovation to overcome existing problems,” said Rizky Budi Kristianto, S.IP, MA, as General Secretary of the Alumni Association ( Iluni FIA UI).
In his presentation, Rizky gave tips to alums to learn about the values and culture of the company to be applied for and adapted to the abilities of alums.
Hafiz Nurfaji, S.I., Vice Chairperson 2 of Iluni FIA UI, stated that collaboration between alums or alma mater is essential to build networking and recommendations to create a brilliant career.
“Each creates opportunities. So friends can’t just wait, and networking is an essential key to creating career opportunities for alum friends. So the spirit to achieve a brilliant career, “said Hafizh.
Hafizh said a cultural shift requires us to be agile because of the current organizational situation, which is very easy to change drastically. “There are two important things to show that we are competent people with the position we are applying for, namely professionalism and leadership. Iluni FIA UI will prepare friends to suit market needs through the alumni and networking divisions, “continued Hafiz.
“Unleash your potential. Don’t just stick to the scientific background; try to explore everything you can. That way, you can reach the peak of the career you want,” said Rizky, who emphasized the end of the discussion session.
The seminar was closed with an Introduction to the FIA UI Postgraduate Program by Tyas Wida Handoko, M.Sc, as the FIA UI Postgraduate Unit Team. FIA UI Semester Odd 2022/2023 Graduates attended this event and will conduct Graduation on March 8-10, 2023.