The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) celebrates the 77th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia by holding the Dean’s Cup, a sports competition event for all FIA UI academics, including table tennis, badminton and futsal. Not only sports, the Dean of the Cup also held a tumpeng competition as a form of tradition that is closely related to Indonesian independence.
The series of celebrations that were held from 8 August to 26 August 2022 ended with the FIA UI 17th Lively Peak with a tumpeng decorating competition and the announcement of the winner of the FIA UI Dean’s Cup as well as a speech from the Dean.
Dean of FIA UI Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Sc., M.M., in his speech said that a celebration like this is a form of celebration of joy and happiness for all academics in celebrating Indonesia’s independence day.
“I hope that in the future there will be a lively competition like this if we can increase it. From the previous four competitions, we can add other sports, as well as participants and prizes,” he said.
The winners of the 2022 FIA UI Dean Cup are as follows:
– Men’s Singles Table Tennis Category
1st winner: Ronaldi Marbun
Second Place: Luhur Hambali
Third Place: Riat Syahbana
– Women’s Singles Table Tennis Category
1st winner: Princess Chairina
Second Place: Dinda Nisfia
Third Place: Debie Puspasari
– Mixed Doubles Badminton Category
1st Winner: Advanced Primary & Charyza Najma Divania
Second Place: Ari Setiawan & Andi Derma Rinewati
Third Place: Ariyanto & Farah Nadhilah
– Futsal Category
1st Place (ABBA TEAM)
1. Verrel Uziel
2. Priyazka Rakharya
3. Farras the Great
4. Andra Salim
5. Gavrel Antonio
6. Aji Nurohman
7. Bagas Prize
Second Place (Team DR.Umanto)
1. Umanto
2. Ryanda Noza
3. Muhammad Faris
4.Joko Sutrisno
5. Nasruddin
6. Dede Ramsani
7. Eko Setiawan
8. Tirta Ramadhan
9. Elnandi Nur
10. Ari Setiawan
Third Place (MIKHA TEAM)
1. Raden Arsedean Micah Imanuel
2. Anggaputra Bagus Prawira
3. Edgar Rangga Makarim
4. Jeremy Paul Wijaya
5. Lush Iglesias
6. Raphael Eleazar Duma
7. Muhammad Raihan
8. Ismi Robbi
– Tumpeng category
Favorite Champion (Pre-U Warriors Team, IWK)
1. Rini Herawati
2. Desi’s mother
3. Lovely Mother
4. Agita’s mother
5. Ani’s mother
Terfia Champion (KPK Team, CS and Security)
1. Yeti Nur Utami
2. Nurlaela
3. Afiah
4. Reza
5. Agus Kurnia
Hottest Champion (Tumpengan Squad Team, Lecturer)
1. Ixora Lundia
2. Fibria Indriati
3. Nurul Safitri
4. Wahyu Mahendra
5. Nidaan Khafian
It is known that, also present at the celebration, the Chairman of the FIA UI Professorial Council, Prof. Dr. Amy Yayuk Sri Rahayu, M.Sc., Head of the FIA UI Academic Senate Dr. Ning Rahayu, M.Sc., and Deputy Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs at FIA UI Dr. Fibria Indriati, M.Sc., and Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration of FIA UI Dr. Milla Sepliana Setyowati, M.Ak., and all levels of lecturers, students, to education staff and staff.