Since the establishment of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) in 2015, it has become a noble desire to have a new faculty building.

With various efforts and contributions from all FIA UI Academics, on Wednesday, December 14 2022, a contract was signed between FIA UI, the Directorate General of Human Settlement, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (KemenPUPR), Construction Management (MK) PT ADHI KARYA (Persero) ) Tbk., and Construction Management Consultant PT Virama Karya (Persero) for the construction of the New FIA UI Building in the Meeting Room of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (PPW) Office, Central Jakarta.

At the event, the Dean of FIA UI, Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Sc., M.M., thanked all parties involved because building a new building was the dream of all FIA UI academics since FIA UI was founded. He also hopes that the construction of the new FIA UI building will be carried out correctly.

“Of course, we hope that the construction of this building is by the plans in the contract and technically it can run well, pay attention to the quality of the construction, and accordingly. Of course, this is the hope of all members of the community who want to move to the new building soon. We also thank Mr. Dr. Agung Firman Sampurna so that we have reached this stage,” he said.

PUPR Strategic Infrastructure Director Essy Asiah revealed that in constructing this building, it is hoped that collaboration and cooperation will be established between all parties, namely between the Ministry of PUPR, FIA UI, the MK and MK Consultants. “Also, this is a directive from the Minister, Mr Basuki, namely that all development also pays attention to quantity, quality, timeliness, but also to pay attention to aesthetics,” he said.

It is known that also present at this meeting were the Chairman of the BPK for the 2017-2022 period Dr. Agung Firman Sampurna, M.Si., Prof. Ir. Prof. Fibria Indriati, M.Sc., Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration Dr. Milla Sepliana Setyowati, M.Ak.