DEPOK. Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Indonesia (FIA UI), Prof. Eko Prasojo officially inaugurated a new board of student organizations for the 2019 period, Friday (4/1). About 100 students attended the M FIA UI Building, they came from 6 FIA UI student organizations namely the Student Representative Board (BPM) and the Student Executive Board (BEM). Then three major organizatons, the Public administration Student Association (HIMANERA), the Fiscal Administration Student Association (KOSTAF) and the Business Administration Student Association as well as a FIA UI Islamic Society (KAIFA).
The procession took place with such wisdom that the Indonesia Raya song was sung together. Then read the Dean Decree and read the oath of office represented by the leadership of each student organization 2019 period.
In his speech Prof. Eko expressed his pride because FIA UI students besides being outstanding were also active in student organizations. “By participating in the organization, students can learn about organization, management and leadership and apply the Three Pillars of Higher Education,” said Prof. Eko. FIA UI strongly supports its students to participating in the organization as long as they are in accordance with the Three Pillars of higher education and do not leave academic obligations.
The event which was held in the field of education and student affairs was also attended by the leaders of the FIA UI dean and demisioner board of the FIA UI 2018 student organization. Prof. Eko hoped that even though their was not in office, the previous board had to oversee the 2019 board as a form of regeneration. (EM)