- irm60@ui.ac.id
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Irfan Ridwan Maksum. Born in Tegal, Central Java, on March 14 1972. He’s currently a permanent Lecturer in the Department of Administrative Sciences in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs. He has served as a PKPADK-FISIP-UI researcher throughout his early research career. His career began with assisting Professor Bhenyamin Hoessein in various subjects and research activities in the regional government area at the UI Depok Campus.
Previously served as Secretary of the Regular Undergraduate Program at the Department of Administrative Sciences, FISIP-UI, from 2000 to 2004 and was secretary of the Department of Administrative Sciences, FISIP-UI, from 2005-2008. Completed S1, S2 and S3 at the Department of Administrative Sciences FISIP-UI. He is then appointed as a Professor in Public Administrative Science UI at 2009.
Wrote the book “Ins and Outs of Regional Government: Looking for Alternatives to Strengthen the Nation-State”, published by FISIP-UI Press in 2008. Prof. Dr. Bhenyamin Hoessein wrote the book “Academic Manuscripts on the Relationship of Authorities between Central and Regional Governments,” published by the Center for the Study of Development of Regional and City Administration (PKPADK) FISIP-UI in 2005.
Besides that, with Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo and Drs. Teguh Kurniawan, MSc., has succeeded in writing (2) two books published by the Department of Administrative Sciences, FISIP-UI; first, on regional government as a textbook at FISIP-UI in 2005 and second, a book on reform in the field of licensing in Indonesia in 2007. The latest book, “Book of Ripples of Regional Autonomy in Indonesia in the 2010-2021 Period, ” was published by himself in 2021 and the book “The Simple Way to Understand Public and Business Administration” was also written and published in 2020.
Several research grants from DIKTI have been managed with the Democracy and Local Governance Research Cluster team (DeLOGO-FIA-UI) he leads. From 2018 to 2020, he worked research (multi-year) on villages in Indonesia, Korea and Japan.
Head of the Regular/Parallel Undergraduate Program, Department of Administrative Science, FISIP-UI, 2009-2013. Head of the Postgraduate Program in Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) – UI for two terms in 2013-2021. From 2012 to 2014, he became a member of the Regional Autonomy Advisory Council (DPOD) of the Republic of Indonesia. Now a Member of the FIA UI Professorial Council and University of Indonesia Professors Council, a Member of the Senate of the University of Indonesia (SA-UI) and a member of the Committee of the University of Indonesia’s School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG).