Lecturers at FIA UI received socialization to store BKD data which can be done independently and in real time through the SISTER information system. This was conveyed by Agus Anang, S. Kom. as a speaker. “All lecturers can now fill out BKD through SISTER independently.”
The Faculty of Administrative Sciences held a socialization webinar on Filling BKD at SISTER UI (28/1). This activity is carried out in the context of assessing the Lecturer Workload (BKD) for the odd period 2021/2022. This socialization activity was carried out in view of the renewal of the provisions for calculating BKD as stated in Permendikbud Number 3/2020 and Kepdirjendikti Number 12e/kpt/2021 with reference to PO BKD 2021.
The BKD assessment has five elements that must be considered and become a reference that must be adhered to by lecturers. “There are five elements of BKD, the first is education, implementation of education, research, community service and the last is support,” said Agus Anang.
In addition, it should also be noted that data updating does not have to be done every semester but can be done at any time. Also added by the second speaker, namely Yusuf Setiadi S.Kom., M.T.I, who reminded the lecturers to ensure that the data entered is valid data and is stored properly in the system.
“Lecturers don’t forget to make sure that the data entered in each rubric has been stored properly in the system,” said Yusuf.
It is known, this activity was held for internal FIA UI by the Human Resources Unit, through the online platform Zoom and attended by Lecturers in the FIA UI Environment.