Saif Ali Syah (Business Administration 2019) and Gisela Belicia Alma Thesalonica S (Business Administration 2020) succeeded in becoming the top 3 finalists in the Abang None Jakarta Competition 2022. After going through a rigorous competition process, Saif succeeded in becoming Deputy 1 Abang Jakarta 2022 and Gisela won the position of Deputy 2 None Jakarta 2022.
In this prestigious event, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan opened by saying that for Abang None Jakarta 2022, the participants are projected not only to be tourism ambassadors, but to become Jakarta Ambassadors as a global city in the world.
“Jakarta is a megapolitan city in the southern hemisphere. We still have a lot of homework to become a global city. Because of that, Abang None has the duty to represent Jakarta in the context of a global city,” said Anies.
Afterwards, 18 finalists conveyed their aspirations with the theme “Jakarta is a Global City” by raising issues that had been agreed upon at the Urban 20 Conference and their implementation in Jakarta.
As for Saif, in his opportunity to convey his aspirations regarding DKI Jakarta’s commitment to environmental preservation.
“A total of 13 reclamation islands in Jakarta have had their permits revoked. This is in line with the commitment of the Governor of DKI Jakarta to preserve the environment and protect the community and fishermen on the north coast of Jakarta. As an implementation and regeneration of land use in the capital, I, Saif Ali Syah, believe that this commitment will make Jakarta a city that cares about the environment and takes sides with its citizens. Thank you,” said Saif Ali Syah.
Meanwhile, Gisela Belicia conveyed her aspirations regarding Jakarta as a global city by raising the case regarding fossil fuels (BBM) which are used as daily fuel. To minimize this, said Belicia, there is one thing the community can do, namely support the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) program by using solar panels in every house to create Jakarta.
After conveying the aspirations of each participant, the finalists entered the final round, namely the round of eight, where the top eight finalists would be given one question from the jury randomly.
On this occasion, Saif, who managed to sit in the top eight positions, was asked about the role of Generation Z in supporting sustainable tourism in Indonesia.
“What I will provide is TOD (Transit Oriented Development) tours. We have MRT, LRT, BRT, airport trains which can become tods and can become a tourist attraction for Jakarta. Therefore, I believe public transportation in Jakarta will represent Jakarta as a global city and support net zero emission in 2050,” Saif answered.
Meanwhile, Gisela, who also managed to sit in the top eight finalists for Abang None Jakarta 2022, answered that fuel and tourism are two things that the government is currently discussing, especially the DKI Jakarta government.
“I, as the younger generation and also as none Jakarta, will raise awareness about Sutai Back Tourism on social media because as we know, the younger generation uses social media and this is the most effective and most appropriate thing to do,” said Gisela.
For these intelligent answers, the two FIA UI students also managed to enter a more fierce round, namely the top three. To determine Abang Jakarta 2022, Anies Baswedan also asked the top three finalists a question. “Is Jakarta worthy of being called a global city? If so, why and if not, why?” said Anies Baswedan.
“For me Jakarta has become a global city. Quoting from a question asked by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Mr. Anies Baswedan, Jakarta is a global city, a Jakarta that can compete with other global or modern cities, especially since the infrastructure in DKI Jakarta is already of international standard. Thus, I, as the brother of Jakarta, invite Jakarta residents to promote Jakarta as a global city because I believe Jakarta will continue to advance its city and make its citizens happy,” said Saif.
Then, Fery Farhati, the wife of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, gave a question to the top three None Jakarta 2022 finalists including Gisela Belicia.
“The face of Jakarta today looks beautiful and comfortable. It cannot be separated from the activists in every corner of Jakarta who carry out good life actions to protect Jakarta’s dignity, one of which is the DKI Jakarta Provincial PKK team. What did you do with the DKI Jakarta PKK team to make DKI Jakarta sweeter and full of hope?” asked Fery.
“Jakarta as a global city cannot be separated from the role of women. Women are a support and also the main source that teaches their children that Jakarta is an open city, Jakarta is full of hope and Jakarta is full of opportunity. What I will do is synergize with the government and PKK and also support government programs in the field of women’s empowerment, one of which is capital cities and also appreciate every Jakarta woman who has action for Jakarta,” she replied.
Thanks to their hard and smart work, the two FIA students managed to win the top three positions for Abang None Jakarta 2022. For their achievements, FIA UI is proud and appreciates all the efforts that have made the name of FIA proud.
“Congratulations to Saif and Gisela, two FIA students who have made it into the top three of Abang None Jakarta. Deputy 1 and Deputy 2, yes. FIA UI and I feel proud of the achievements of these great students. We hope that you will continue to be enthusiastic about scoring a myriad of other achievements. I invite other friends to make Mas Saif and Mba Gisela an example to continue to excel in both academic and non-academic fields,” said the Dean of FIA UI, Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Si., M.M.