To realize good governance, every public agency must at least meet the aspects of transparency and accountability in implementing various government activities. Transparency and accountability must be carried out with good intentions. Still, they must be supported with adequate competence to create governance that can address today’s nation’s various challenges.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI) for the 2019-2022 period Dr. Agung Firman Sampurna, when he was one of the speakers at the Supervision Administration Specialization Socialization event, the FIA UI Masters of Administration Program on Friday, 17 February 2023 in front of officials within the Ministry of Transportation, the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency, and several local governments online.

According to him, supervisory and administrative knowledge is needed to ensure that supervisors, leaders and persons in charge of activities in each work unit can have adequate knowledge and ability in financial supervision and overseeing overall organizational performance. “The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia was established in 1945, but we only had financial reports in 2005. Supervision is an integral part,” he explained.

He also added that the presence of the Supervisory Administration Specialization at the FIA UI Postgraduate Program was expected to be able to answer the need for technical support and scientific development around auditing and supervision issues which so far had yet to be fully met by BPK RI.

Head of the Postgraduate Program Dr. Fibria Indriati, in the same forum, said that the students who took the Supervisory Administration specialization not only got academic degrees but also had the opportunity to get certification. “Moreover, the Master of Administrative Sciences Program has received recognition in the form of Excellent accreditation from BAN-PT, so there is no need to worry about the need for accreditation, recognition and program sustainability,” explained Fibria.

Students of the Master of Administrative Sciences Program specializing in Supervision Administration are scheduled to start lectures in August this year together with other colleagues from various specializations available. It is known that the FIA UI Postgraduate Program has 11 (eleven) specialization options and 2 (two) double degree programs, which are open to scholars from various disciplines with a Grade Point Average min. 2.75.