Student Participatory Supervision, BEM FIA UI Submit Report

As a volunteer for student participatory supervision, BEM FIA Universitas Indonesia (Student Executive Board) handed over supervision result during The Election of West Java Governor 2018 in Depok City to Depok Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu) at Depok Graha Kartini Secretariat Office, Jalan Raya Citayam No 45, Ratujaya Urban Village, Cipayung, Thursday (28/6) .

Panwaslu can not work alone to supervise maximally the Election process. Of course, it takes care of all elements of society for the successful implementation of the democratic party, and clean and in accordance with the rules.

One of its efforts is to increase community participatory oversight. Thus, people are not only encouraged to exercise their right to vote, but are concerned with the implementation of a clean, honest and fair elections.

Yesterday (Thursday 28/6), Panwaslu of Depok City, the arrival of guests from BEM FIA UI was a participant monitoring volunteer who gave report on escort result in Depok State Panwaslu office.

“In the framework of the participation of students in escorting the Election of West Java Governor, they submit the report of the results of supervision to the office of Panwaslu of Depok City,” said Depok Chairman Dede Selamet Permana.

Panwaslu itself felt helped by getting reports of violations during the governing election governor and vice governor of West Java 2018. Violations are various kinds, such as dawn attacks, online media campaigns, candidate socialization banner that is still installed in the quiet period during 24 to 26 June.

The violation is said Dede, in the process and subject to sanctions of administrative misuse. “Violation of dawn attack one of the candidate team team, the citizens do not want to open the gift. But Panwaslu will find out, but it does not suffice this evidence which makes it difficult for us to take action,” said Dede accompanied by Bawaslu Jabar and other Panwaslu commissioners.

During the election of Pilgub Jabar 2018 in Depok, Panwaslu Depok in collaboration with Panwascam did not find money politics. “There are also findings of dawn attack in the form of packages, but people do not want to give the goods,” he said.

Related assistance supervision The Election of West Java Governor 2018 in Depok. Dede said it was assisted by Universitas Indonesia students, where they became part of the student participatory monitoring volunteers.

His report, he said, has been submitted to Panwaslu Depok and witnessed by Commissioner Banwaslu Jabar Yulianto. “We appreciate students who have tried to contribute actively to the smooth voting in Depok area. Report we have received our stay continue and say many thanks to students UI for organizing it,” said Dede. (Ricky Juliansyah)
