- imam.alfie@ui.ac.id
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Muhamad Imam Alfie Syarien earns bachelor of social science degree in public administration from UI in 2008. Afterwards, he continued to become lecturing assistant at Department of Administrative Sciences until 2010. He then pursued professional career to become a civil servant at the Ministry for Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemen PANRB) until 2015 and the National Institute of Public Administration (LAN) until January 2020 before returning to UI and became a lecturer in FIA UI since then. Alfie receives the Master of Public Administration qualification from the Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University (ANU) in 2015. In addition to his teaching and research activities in the field of administrative reform, public policy, and human resource management in the public sector, Alfie also actively involved in various policies at the national level particularly in the management of policy analyst, public service management, and civil service system.
- Quantitative Research Methods (2011), co-authoring with Lina Miftahul Jannah and Nurul Safitri.
- Annotation of the Law Number 30 Year 2014 on Administrative Procedures (2017), co-authoring with Muhammad Yasin, Laode Rudita, Sad Dian Utomo, Maya Rostanty, and Nidaan Khafian.
- “Innovative Government, Key to Build Indonesia from the Regions” (2016), book chapter, Isu Strategis Pemerintahan Daerah, Pusat Kajian Desentralisasi dan Otonomi Daerah, LAN RI.
- “Perbandingan Manajemen Jabatan Senior Birokrasi di Australia, Indonesia, dan Singapura dalam Perspektif Public Service Bargains” (2016), Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan, vol. 1, no. 2
- Policy Paper of Presidential Regulation on Delegation of Authority for the Management of Business Licensing in the Mineral and Coal Mining, research team member of UI-CSGAR, 2020
- Policy Paper of Roadmap of the National Public Service Complaint Handling System (SP4N), UNDP, 2020
- Policy Paper of the Law on Electronic Government, research team member of UI-CSGAR, 2019
- Diagnostic Study of the Grand Design of Bureaucratic Reform 2010-2025, research team member of UI-CSGAR, 2018
- Policy Paper of ASN Competency Development, research team member of UI-CSGAR, 2018
- Policy Paper of ASN Corporate University, main researcher of NIPA/LAN, 2018
- Policy Paper of Holding System for Ministry/Agency-Owned Universities, research team member of UI-CSGAR, 2017
- Policy Paper of Institutional Transformation of LPDP into a Souvereign Wealth Fund, research team member of FIA UI, 2017
- Depiction of Poverty in Palangka Raya City, research team member of Department of Administrative Sciences FISIP UI, 2010
- Corruptive Behaviour of Apparatus in DKI Jakarta, research team member of UI-CSG, 2010
- Feasibility Study of Administrative Proliferation of East Sumba District, research team member of Department of Administrative Sciences FISIP UI, 2008
- “Bureaucratic Reform and ASN Integrity: Finding Equilibrium between Compliance and Integrity Approach”, National Conference of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 2014, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- “Indonesian Bureaucracy under Local and International Pressures: Delivering Better Reform to Create a World-class Government “, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) Conference 2014, Hanoi, Vietnam
- “Local Executive Election and Its Implications to the Implementation of Good Local Governance”, IRSA International Conference 2010, Surabaya, Indonesia.
- “Jakarta Urban Transportation System through 2030: A Quest for Ideapolis, or A Turn to Necropolis?”, IRSA International Conference 2010, Surabaya, Indonesia.
- “Mapping of Strategic Management Competencies Amongst Program Directors at the Ministries and Agencies Level” (2021) Policy Brief PGAR FIA UI, co-authoring with Eko Prasojo, Reza Fathurahman, Debie Puspasari, Desy Hariyati, Fajar Wardani Wijayanti, and Julyan Ferdiansyah.
- “Desain Kebijakan Strategis Transformasi Pemerintahan Digital di Indonesia” (2021) FIA UI & Kementerian PANRB, co-authoring with Eko Prasojo, Zuliansyah Putra Zulkarnain, Debie Puspasari, and Wahyu Mahendra.