Visit of FIA UI Delegation to Singapore
SINGAPORE. Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Indonesia (FIA UI), Prof. Eko Prasojo and delegation of Universitas Indonesia – the Center for the Study of Governance and Administrative Reform (UI-CSGAR) and Tanoto Foundation visited the Civil Service College Singapore (CSC) and Lee Kuan Yew National University of Singapore (LKYSPP) School of Public Policy. During the visit (11/20), Prof. Eko Prasojo and the delegation discussed the potential for cooperation in developing the competency of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), Regional Heads and DPRD as well as the latest challenges for the government, such as globalization, disruption and industrial revolution 4.0.
Globalization, disruption and industrial revolution 4.0 are the latest challenges for governments of various countries, including Indonesia and Singapore. To deal with this challenge, it takes ASN, Regional Head and DPRD who have competencies that are able to answer the challenge. Competencies such as design and critical thinking, data analytics and the ability to make smart regulation are competencies that need to be developed.
According to Prof. Eko Prasojo, these two institutions are important to visit because CSC and LKY have educated thousands of ASNs from various countries in Asia, Europe and Africa in various fields such as Digital Governance, Change Management, Performance Management, Social and Economic Policy Analysis, Big Data and others other.
Some of the potential and opportunities for collaboration discussed are the Executive Development Program for ASN, Regional Heads and DPRP, Civil Service Exchange programs and Join Training and Courses. Various potentials and opportunities for such cooperation will be supported by the Tanoto Foundation, which is a philanthropic organization operating in Indonesia, Singapore and China. “With this visit, we can learn about competency development strategies and performance improvements as well as innovative training programs. We can study these strategies and programs and adjust them to be applied in Indonesia to improve the competency of ASN, Regional Heads and DPRD, “said Prof. Eko Prasojo. (MI)