Outsourcing consists of 3 elements, namely supervision, delegation of responsibility, and output or results.
This is a piece of material presented by Zamzam Mashan, SH. MH in a guest lecture on Industrial Relations at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI), on Thursday afternoon (20/05/2022).
In the opening, Drs. Kusnar Budi, MBus motivates students, as future leaders, prepares themselves with enthusiasm, and introduces guest lecturer Mas Zamzam who has a high enthusiasm for learning.
“I hope that this lecture will broaden students’ horizons, because guest lecturers have great motivation to learn. Later, all of my friends, write down important things because the material is interesting, Kusnar said.
Then, after the documentation session, Fitria Ariyanti then read out the Curriculum Vitae from Zamzam Mashan who is the founder and owner of HJM Group, as well as a business consultant.
Furthermore, Zamzam began to deliver material on Outsourcing in Indonesia, in the Perspective of the State, Employers, and Workers.
The lecture was opened, citing article 27 of the 1945 Constitution that “every citizen has the right to work and a decent living for humanity”
Then, it is continued by explaining the definition of the philosophy of the human self in the context of employment by quoting Henry Clay’s sentence, namely “Of all the human forces operating in the affairs of mankind, none is greater than competition.”
Then, Zamzam explained about the country’s economic development in the concept of employment, namely by explaining the 3 stages in economic development carried out by a country consisting of unification (unification stage), industrialization, and the welfare state.
“Indicators of the country’s economic growth in the context of employment are consumption, exports, investment and spending by the central and regional governments,” he said.
Then, he also explained the meaning of outsourcing, namely the act of transferring some of the company’s internal activities and repetitive decision rights to outside providers, as stipulated in the contract. However, in practice not only activities are transferred, but factors of production and decision rights are often as well.
“The parties related to outsourcing are the state, outsourcing service companies, outsourcing user companies, and outsourcing workers,” he said.
After explaining the meaning of outsourcing, Zamzam discussed the regulation of outsourcing in Indonesia, which always follows the dynamics of the economy and national political developments.
“The dilemma of rationality for outsourcing in Indonesia is the conflict of interest between the state, employers and workers. This will have implications for the possibility of the birth of labor regulations with a development and conflict paradigm and not a humanist partnership paradigm,” he explained.
Then, Zamzam also explained about the alternative solution to the problem, namely with no change in status to PKWT but additional benefits with a certain value if it is still an MSME status so that the outsourcing service company will get a corporate income tax reduction facility as an incentive, then this will pump energy. purchasing and consumption and will change the structure of the transfer of tax increases in quantitative terms from Corporate Income Tax to OP PPh + VAT.
After that, the event continued with a discussion session where several students asked questions, either directly or from the Zoom meeting comments column and one of them was Attalah Putra by asking about the Job Creation Law which will be in effect until 2023.
“The Ciptaker Law states that outsourcing can be used in all sectors of life in Indonesia. How do you feel about this, sir? Wouldn’t it be a loss for the workers?” he asked.
Zamzam replied, “If you look at it pessimistically, outsourcing in the future will be a way to save on labor costs that are completely dependent on companies and the government without involving labor, so there will be a problem of compartmentalizing workers.
“However, if we are optimistic, to remove the negative things about outsourcing, it will return to the government which is the maker of labor policy in Indonesia,” he replied.