Adaptation continues to be carried out by the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) in providing teaching in the Pandemic era. Welcoming the inaugural lecture in the 2022 Odd Semester, FIA UI applies learning through the Hybrid method, where attending lecturers and students can hold meetings both online and offline simultaneously.
Dean of FIA UI Prof. Chandra Wijaya, M.Sc., M.M., explained that the decision to carry out Hybrid learning was one of FIA UI’s efforts to adapt to improve the quality of teaching in the pandemic era.
“Of course, in this implementation we want students to be able to experience offline lectures, and we as management also need evaluations from lecturers and fellow students. So, this semester we are implementing a full hybrid method, so students or lecturers can choose If you want to come to campus, you can or via zoom. So, in terms of facilities, we are ready with classes that support hybrid activities,” he said while taking the Thinking Creativity course at Building M, Floor 3, FIA UI, Monday 29 August 2022.
It is known that FIA UI is also the only Faculty at the University of Indonesia that applies the hybrid class method in full. This is certainly one of the good achievements of the Facility Unit which really adapts to the needs of the learning process on both the student and lecturer sides.
In the same place, while conducting a direct review of the hybrid class process in the morning, Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration Dr. Milla Sepliana Setyowati, M.Ak., said that the faculty management always tries to provide the best facilities and services according to the needs of the process of teaching activities on campus. “So if there is anything we can improve, we will definitely try to make it even better,” he said.