Champion II UIQO Sharh al-Quran won by FIA UI Student Team
DEPOK. The Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Indonesia (FIA UI) students team participated in the largest Qur’anic event at Universitas Indonesia which was held by the Islamic Student Society of Universitas Indonesia (Salam UI). The team consisting of Muhammad Nauval (Fiscal Administration ‘2016), Eka Dany Witiasari (Public Administration ‘2017) and Tiara Ananda E.P (Fiscal Administration ‘2018) won 2nd place in the Sharhil al Quran Branch (Quran Speech) to outperform their opponents from other faculties. Previously they had participated in the Syiar Training Olympiad (STOFIA) program held by the Islamic Society, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (KAIFA UI).
This SALAM UI annual event is known as the Universitas Indonesia Quranic Olympiad (UIQO) which has been held 4 times since 2014. This year UIQO took the theme “Everlasting with Qur’an”, this event took place from 5-13 October at Universitas Indonesia .
“Alhamdulillah, our preparation is more mature, through the STOFIA program,” Muhammad Nauval told the FIA Public Relations team on Wednesday (10/17). STOFIA is a training program and mentoring prospective UIQO participants created by KAIFA UI. In 2018 this is the first time the program has been held. Previously, prospective participants have been selected to be guided by mentors who are experienced in joining UIQO and National Student Quranic Competition (MTQMN).
UIQO this time presents National Da’i, Sheikh Ali Jaber and the twin hafizh (Quranic Reciter) Al-Ghazali and Al-Khalifi. The FIA UI contingent sent a team for 7 branches consisting of: 1) Calligraphy: Nandya Fadilla, 2) Qur’an Comprehension: Almer Sad, M.Bima RR, Novia FF, 3) Scientific Writing: Evie Oktafia, Andhika Akbar, Fathur Rizki 4) Quran Speech: Eka Dany W, M Nauval, Tiara Ananada EP, 5) Quran Recitation: Afif Rizky, Balqis Mira F, Reza Kusuma P, 6) Tilawah : Averus Sina and 7) Tartilil Qur’an: Ervin Fahlevie, Joansyah Adwie, Regina Canda W. (EM)