Becoming FIA UI Student for a Day
The Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Indonesia (FIA UI) Eko Prasojo gave 5 advice to FIA UI students who had just been inaugurated as administrators of the 2020 student organizations.
“First, you must always practice leadership and managerial skills, this will bring you into the world of work later. The more interaction with other organizations the more mature leadership and managerial. Managing others, self, task,” he said in the Inauguration of Student Organizations for the 2020 Period in M Building FIA UI, Tuesday (7/1/20).
Second, the man who is familiarly called Prof. Eko also suggested that students continue to practice critical thinking skills. “So keep on honing, sensitive to the problems that exist in our environment. Both at the Faculty, University, and National levels,” he explained.
In addition, on the third point Eko also explained that the current era is the digital era, so students must be able to increase digital literacy so that they are not left behind by the times.
On the fourth point, Eko reminded that just being smart is not enough, but soft skills such as writing and communication need to be developed so that we as academics are able to bring strong arguments without being carried away by emotions.
“And finally, we must continue to build networks (networking),” he said.
It is known, the inauguration ceremony was also attended by the Chairperson of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of FIA UI Ning Rahayu, Deputy Dean of Education and Students Haula Rosdiana, Chief Secretary of Zuliansyah PZ, Student Manager Umanto, Manager of Research and Publication of Inayati, General Manager Muh Azis Muslim, Chair of the Department of Fiscal Affairs Milla Sepliana, Assistant General Manager Ayi Mulyadi, Assistant Student Manager Ahmad Fauzi, Cooperation Coordinator Desy Hariyati, Financial Coordinator Rani Fariha, and Secretary of the Fiscal Department, Adang Hendrawan.