Today, 11 May 2023, the Inspectorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology assessed the Implementation of the Integrity Zone within the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA UI). The assessment was conducted to determine FIA UI’s feasibility in holding the title of Free from Corruption Area (WBK).

“FIA UI is an institution that strives to achieve the goals of Bureaucratic Reform, namely a clean, accountable and high-performing bureaucracy; effective and efficient bureaucracy; and a bureaucracy with quality public services. The development of ZI at FIA UI was announced two years ago, namely 2021, which was divided into six main lever teams that have made various changes,” said Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Si., M.M. as Dean of FIA UI.

The six levers in question are change management, management, strengthening human resources, strengthening accountability; strengthening supervision; and improving public services. Prof. Chandra disclosed this in the assessment activity, which took place on Thursday, 11 May 2023, in the Smartclass Room, M Building, 3rd Floor, FIA UI, Depok.

“FIA UI strives to provide the best service to every stakeholder we serve. This is the essence of the establishment of FIA UI, namely to provide the best service, both for students, alumni, lecturers, education staff, management team, and all academics,” said Prof. Chandra

The assessor team from Dikti, consisting of Azhar Syahrir, Novendi Carlos, and Rita Murtiningrum, conducted an assessment by asking about various matters related to the achievements and programs carried out by FIA UI. Azhar Syahrir said that this activity was an activity to internalize values in higher education into the business processes carried out by FIA UI.

“We appreciate FIA UI, the youngest faculty at UI, which is only eight years old, for being able to become a winner in the ZI Award organized by the University of Indonesia. This is certainly the result of the struggle the entire academic community at FIA UI carries out. Of course, we don’t need to doubt the administrative capabilities of FIA UI because there are many experts on this matter,” said Azhar.

Azhar said that administration became crucial in creating accountability, especially in government agencies. So that in this case, FIA UI has an excellent opportunity to develop good responsibility in the educational environment. “No matter how good it is in fact or real life, if a reliable administration does not back it up, then there will be deficiencies which, of course, will affect the reduction in the accountability assessment of existing agencies,” said Azhar.