Innovation is a panacea or solution to various challenges and problems currently occurring amidst the rapid changes and developments caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic so that we can achieve Superior Indonesia. In addition, innovation is the key to preparing for changes in the 2045 world megatrend, especially developing technology. For this reason, synergy and collaboration between the government, the private sector and the community are needed so that they can face the world megatrend in 2045. Arijanti Erfin stated this as, Marketing & Business Development Director of PT Waskita Fim Perkasa Reality.

“To get to performance, there are stages of innovation or maturity of a company/organization, namely innovations carried out for the company’s sustainability. Therefore, leadership with ambidexterity is needed to utilize organizational capacities and create innovations,” said Arijanti.

“Panacea means panacea/solution. To achieve Superior Indonesia, we need to innovate in organizations and society. It needs to be emphasized that innovation is not only carried out by institutions/companies but can be carried out by the community so that synergistic collaboration is formed to answer the challenges of change towards Excellent Indonesia,” said Dra. Novita Ikasari, M.Comm, Ph.D as Head of the Department of Business Administration FIA UI.

Ira Pelitawati, Chair of the Bekasi District TBM Forum and Founder of TBM Terasuka and the MuaragembongKita Community, said that literacy is one of the keys to creating efficient innovation. Literacy is our ability to find solutions to our problems, and this minimal literacy will harm the spread of hoaxes in Indonesia.

“Literacy is the basis for life skills, and this literacy is the main driver for creating social innovation. The concept of social innovation itself focuses on ideas and solutions. So after that, what next? Ira said we have to grow, process, empower, and perform beneficially together.

The event, moderated by Dr. Eko Sakapurnama, S.Psi, MBA: Lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, FIA UI, also has a Q&A session. “How can Mrs Ira be accepted by the people in Muara Gembong to carry out social innovations, considering that the people there don’t want to improve their lives?” asked a talk show participant.

Arijanti and Ira answered that we, as innovators, must know what society needs and people’s behaviour patterns. For information, this event took place on Monday, March 13, 2023, morning at the 2020 FIA Auditorium, Universitas Indonesia, with more than 100 participants.