The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) in collaboration with the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN), and the Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA) held a national seminar entitled “Building the Neutrality of ASN and Democracy in Indonesia” which was held online, on Tuesday (17 / 11). This event aims to provide support for the supervisory work of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), especially in the aspects of basic values, code of ethics, code of conduct and the principle of ASN neutrality ahead of the 2020 simultaneous regional elections.
This seminar also simultaneously introduced to the public about JAGA ASN, a non-neutral reporting platform for ASN. This application is a product developed by academics who are members of the IAPA. “This feature can make the public participate in indications of ASN being involved in the Pilkada Paslon campaign process, of course the confidentiality of the reporter is guaranteed,” said Enjat Munajat as Deputy Secretary General of IAPA.
Present virtually to give Dr. Ir. Setiawan Wangsaatmaja (Regional Secretary of West Java Province), dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D (Secretary of the University of Indonesia); and Prof. Dr. Agus Pramusinto (Chairman of KASN / Chair of IAPA). Besides that, also attended as a resource person, namely Dr. Ir. Azwar Abubakar (Minister of PANRB 2011 – 2014), Dr. Arie Budhiman, M.Si. (KASN Commissioner), and Dr. Lina M. Jannah (Lecturer at the Department of Public administration, FIA UI) and guided by Zuliansyah P. Zulkarnain, M.Si. (Lecturer at the Department of Public administration, FIA UI) as moderator.
ASN neutrality violations continue to this day. In fact, as predicted earlier during the current campaign period, cases of violations of ASN neutrality were reported in various regional election organizers.
According to Arie Budhiman, as of November 13, 2020, there were 857 ASNs that were reported to have violated neutrality. A total of 625 ASNs have been given recommendations for imposing sanctions on neutrality violations, with a follow-up to the sanctions imposed by the Civil Service Officer (PPK) to 458 ASNs or 73.3%.
In terms of the highest violation category, campaigns through social media occupied the largest percentage, namely 25%. “Virus N20 or 2020 Neutrality has infected many civil servants in Indonesia with the highest violations on social media,” said Arie Budhiman.
Furthermore, in his keynote speech, the Chairman of KASN Agus said, “Violations of ASN neutrality continue to occur up to 20 days prior to this voting. The ASN siding could be due to a fear that their position will resign if one of the candidates wins. Even though the most important thing is to have competence. Whoever wins, if we have competence we can occupy any position in the bureaucracy. There’s no need to be afraid. The ASN system also does not allow promotion, dismissal, and so on, to be challenged by whoever holds power. “
Lecturer at FIA UI Dr. Lina also explained the importance of neutrality in supporting meritocracy in order to create a democratic establishment. The Merit System is a qualification, competency and performance based ASN management system, which is enforced fairly and fairly without discrimination. The purpose of implementing the merit system is to ensure that positions in the government bureaucracy are occupied by professional people, in the sense of being competent and carrying out tasks based on the basic values, code of ethics and code of conduct of ASN. “Don’t let us destroy democracy because we don’t have meritocracy,” said Dr. Lina confirmed.
“The higher a person’s integrity, the higher his neutrality. The integrity of ASN is the basis and guide in carrying out duties so that …