The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) on Thursday, 15 September 2022, received a visit from Garut Regency to discuss the succession plan for the ASN career development program in the Main Meeting Room, Building M, Floor 2, FIA UI Depok.

The group was received by the Institute for the Assessment and Application of Administrative Sciences (LPPIA) FIA UI, which was headed by its staff.

In his discussion, Moch. Dani is a representative from Pemkab. Garut said that the Regent of Garut Rudy Gunawan, S.H., M.H., M.P. is currently focusing on ASN management in Garut Regency.

“So take advantage of the momentum of initiating this collaboration to improve the management and management of ASN in Garut Regency,” he said.

The team leader for the joint study plan for Garut Regency, Dr. Eko Sakapurnama, M.Sc. said that later the civil servant career pattern would be carried out based on the principles of certainty, professionalism, transparency, integrity, justice, nationality and rationality.

It is known that also attending this meeting was the Head of LPPIA FIA UI Dr. Milla S. Setyowati, M.Ak., and the study team members, namely Muhammad Imam Alfie Syarien, Tyas Wida Handoko, David Malchiel Ravanelli. As for those from Garut Regency who also attended Evi Adbullah Balfaqih, S.Sos, Hj. Dini Posmawati, SE, Siti Zamzam, SE and Eni Mulyani.