The Cooperation Visit between the Institute for the Study and Application of Administrative Sciences (LPPIA) and the Regional Finance and Assets Agency (BKAD) of Malang Regency took place on Tuesday (7/6/2022) morning in the Studentpreneur Room of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) to discuss about data migration capabilities in the E-BMD application.

The event began with the introduction of FIA UI by Dr. Milla Sepliana Setyowati, S.Sos., M.Ak as the Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration of FIA UI by explaining that FIA UI is the youngest faculty at UI, which was established in 2015.

“FIA UI has three departments, namely Public Administration Science, Fiscal Administration Science, and Governance of Commerce Science. We, the big family of FIA UI, welcome you to the BKAD of Malang Regency,” said Dr. Milla.

Then, the series of events continued with the delivery of information by the Head of the Malang Regency Financial and Assets Agency by conveying that the Malang Regency Government’s collaboration with UI was something that had been awaited for a long time.

“We from the Malang Regency Government are really serious about this collaboration. If possible, we ask to be facilitated in whatever obligations we must fulfill regarding the stages or mechanisms that must be taken so that the E-BMD application can be implemented in the Malang Regency Government as soon as possible, “said one representative of the Malang Regency Government.

For information, the E-BMD application is a mandatory application that must be used in 2023 by all local government agencies in Indonesia. Malang Regency is the third area to be tested for the application.

Hendra Wijaya as a representative from LPPIA FIA UI said that the steps taken by the Malang Regency Government were the right steps because the sooner the better. Furthermore, the event continued with an explanation of the MoU plan by representatives from the Malang Regency BKAD.

In accordance with the results of the discussion, later the cooperation will directly use the PKS (Cooperation Agreement) which is a collaboration between the dean and the regent which will continue with collaborations such as research, training, and other programs. However, if the Malang Regency Government only focuses on technical cooperation, namely for the migration of E-BMD application data, the collaboration will be carried out directly by LPPIA.

After the discussion session, the event continued with a simulation of the use of the Regional Property Administration Information System application from the UI Technical Team to assist the Malang Regency Government in data migration using the E-BMD application.

For information, this cooperation visit was attended by the Malang Regency Government Data Migration Team, Head of Sub-Division of Goods Administration, Secretary of the Malang BKD Asset Sector, Head of the Malang Regency Financial and Assets Agency, and the E-BMD Application Technical Team.

Meanwhile, FIA UI was represented by Dr. Milla Sepliana Setyowati, S.Sos., M.Ak; Dr. Umanto, S.Sos., M.Si; Abraham as Deputy Head of LPPIA as well as moderator; and Hendra Wijaya as representatives of the UI Technical Team.