To create decent jobs for villagers and encourage village economic growth, the Department of Commerce Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) provides business feasibility study assistance for BUMDes Megamendung Jaya through community service and mentoring programs.
Currently, BUMDes Megamendung Jaya has two business units, namely the Megamendung Jaya Health Clinic and the Ratio Coffee Shop. This assistance is carried out for product development and strategy formulation in order to ensure the sustainability of the Megamendung BUMDes business. Formulation of strategies related to supply and demand, marketing, HR needs, production and financial analysis for the Megamendung Jaya Clinic and the Ratio Coffee Shop. This assistance was delivered by two resource persons, Maria Eurelia Wayan and Fibria Indriati with student facilitators of the Department of Commerce Administration Sciences on Sunday (12/19/2021).
Novita Ikasari, as the Head of Service, said that the Community Service Program of the Department of Commerce Administration Science UI is the beginning, and it is hoped that it will continue because mentoring cannot be completed in just one or two days. “So this activity can provide positive benefits for all parties involved and be able to solve the problems currently facing BUMDes Megamendung Jaya,” explained Novita.
At the end of his remarks, it is hoped that in the future this program can be used as an MBKM program taken by students of the Department of Commerce Administration and cooperation can continue.
The Director of BUMDes, Yusuf Solihatul, gave a positive response by saying that a business feasibility study from various aspects, especially financial, was needed, especially when submitting proposals to partners.
“This program is very helpful so that BUMDes in the future can be independent. It is hoped that in the future the Megamendung Jaya Clinic can work together and become a BPJS referral as well as being open 24 hours. Related to this, it is necessary to add permanent human resources, because the existing human resources are voluntary health workers/volunteers,” he said.
To increase the promotion of the Rasii Coffee Shop, students are involved in creating content for social media (IG) and the Ratio Coffee Shop marketplace at Shopee. Not only that, the students also made promotional templates for the Coffee Ratio, which is a Bumdes Megamendung coffee shop. This promotion is expected to increase awareness of Megamendung Coffee and the Coffee Ratio.
“I really want it, the Ratio Coffee Shop can be a hallmark in Puncak. So, people who come here won’t be satisfied if they don’t taste the Megamendung Coffee proposed at the Ratio Coffee Shop or bring it as souvenirs,” said Yusuf Solihatul during the discussion.