The 2nd series of PGAR Doctoral Colloquium activities were again held in full online via the Zoom platform on Tuesday (17/5/2022) afternoon.
This colloquium series is special because it is held collaboratively between FIA UI’s Policy, Governance, and Administrative Reform (PGAR) and FIA UI Politics of Taxation, Walfare, and National Resilience (POLTAX).
In this colloquium, the presenters consisted of two FIA UI doctoral students promoted by Dr. Roy Valiant Solomon, M.Soc.Sc.,.
The doctoral student who first presented was Andi Rachman Salasa with the title of his dissertation proposal “Building a Fiscal Incentive Policy Model in the Indonesian Electric Car Industry”.
Through his dissertation, Andi wants to examine how the implementation of fiscal incentive policies in the Indonesian electric car industry and formulate an appropriate model for fiscal incentive policies.
“The electric car industry in Indonesia is still difficult to develop for several reasons, including expensive manufacturing production investments and an underdeveloped electric car ecosystem,” he said.
Therefore, he continued, fiscal incentives are needed to develop electric cars in Indonesia.
After explaining his dissertation, the reviewers also gave constructive input to Andi’s research.
The input consists of the need for appropriate title in the use of “policy model”, and the need for theoretical deepening related to fiscal policy.
In addition, researchers also need to consider the urgency and justification of fiscal incentives, that incentives are the determinant factor in electric car policy.
At the end of the discussion, reviewers encourage to explain the concept of tax incentives and deepen contextual problems comprehensively.
Then, the second presenter, Rozidateno Putri Hanida, presented her dissertation entitled “Model Policy Networks in the Formulation of Gender Responsive Regional Planning and Budgeting Policies in West Sumatra” using the concept of a policy network to explore the process of actor interaction in the formulation and budgeting of gender responsive policies.
“This process integrates a gender perspective to broaden public access and participation in policy making. West Sumatra was chosen as the province that directly influences the achievement of the gender index in development.” he explained.
Rozidateno said the research aims to determine the process of formulating gender-responsive-based policies within the framework of a policy network and to formulate appropriate policy formulation models.
After Rozidateno finished delivering his presentation, the reviewers provided input and improvements to several things.
“Especially on factual problems that need to be identified comprehensively, strengthening of literature reviews and theories built by researchers, to research designs that need to be adjusted by researchers,” explained the reviewer.
The event closed with encouragement and encouragement to the two FIA doctoral students by reviewers, promoters, and co-promoters.
For information, the Doctoral Colloquium Program was attended by the Heads of Research Clusters, Promoters, Co-Promoters, and Reviewers. In detail, namely Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo, Mag.rer.publ. (PGAR Cluster Leader/ Reviewer); Prof. Dr. Haula Rosdiana, M.Si. (Cluster Leader POLTAX); Dr. Roy Valiant Solomon (Promoter, presenter 1 and 2); Dr. Retno Kusumastuti, M.Si. (Co-Promoter, presenter 1); Dr. Achmad Lutfi (Co-Promoter, presenter 2); Dr. Inayati, Dr. Riant Nugroho, Dr. Tri Widodo (all three are Reviewers).