Saif Ali Syah (Business Administration 2019) and Gisela Belicia Alma Thesalonica S (Business Administration 2020) succeeded in becoming the top 3 finalists in the Abang None Jakarta Competition 2022. After going through a rigorous competition process, Saif succeeded in becoming Deputy 1 Abang Jakarta 2022 and Gisela won the position of Deputy 2 None Jakarta 2022.
The victory for the two was determined in the Abang None Jakarta 2022 Final Night event which was held on Friday, September 2 2022. At the top event, 18 finalists expressed their aspirations with the theme “Jakarta is a Global City” by raising issues that had been agreed upon by the Urban 20 Conference and their implementation in Jakarta .
For their achievements, the Dean of FIA UI appreciates and hopes that they can become an inspiration for other students and for the Faculty to continue to excel.
“Congratulations to Saif and Gisela, two FIA students who have made it into the top three of Abang None Jakarta. Deputy 1 and Deputy 2, yes. FIA UI and I feel proud of your great achievements. Hopefully keep the spirit to score a myriad of other achievements. I invite other friends to make Mas Saif and Mba Gisela an example to continue to excel in both academic and non-academic fields,” said the Dean of FIA UI, Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Si., M.M.
In the competition, Saif and Gisela won Deputy 1 Abang Jakarta 2022 and Representative None 2 Jakarta 2022 after answering questions raised by DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan for Abang Jakarta 2022 finalists and DKI Jakarta Governor’s Wife Fery Farhati for None Jakarta 2022 finalists.
“Is Jakarta worthy of being called a global city? If you have, what and if not, why?” asked Anies Baswedan.
“For me Jakarta has become a global city. Quoting from a question asked by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Mr. Anies Baswedan, Jakarta is a global city, a Jakarta that can compete with other global or modern cities, especially since the infrastructure in DKI Jakarta is already of international standard. Thus, I, as the brother of Jakarta, invite Jakarta residents to promote Jakarta as a global city because I believe Jakarta will continue to develop its city and make its citizens happy,” said Saif.
As for the None Jakarta 2022 finalists, Ms. Fery asked what the finalists and the DKI Jakarta PKK team would do to make DKI Jakarta sweeter and full of hope.
“Jakarta as a global city cannot be separated from the role of women. Women are a support and also the main source that teaches their children that Jakarta is an open city, Jakarta is full of hope and Jakarta is full of opportunity. What I will do is synergize with the government and the PKK and also support government programs in the field of women’s empowerment, one of which is the capitals and also appreciate every Jakarta woman who has taken action for Jakarta,” Gisel replied.