After two years of Graduation being held online due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the University of Indonesia held its first Multi-location Offline Graduation, which took place on Saturday-Sunday, 10-11 September 2022.

As of Sunday, September 11 2022, 211 FIA UI graduates, including 114 graduates, graduated with cum laude predicate. Of the 114 graduates, 4 were doctoral program graduates, 16 were master program graduates, and 94 others were undergraduate program graduates from FIA UI.

The Graduation for all FIA UI graduates was held simultaneously in several locations, namely at the UI Hall and Convention Hall, where the graduates were accompanied by their parents and companions.

The representative from the doctoral program who won the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) was Dr. Stanislaus Riyanta, with a GPA of 3.87; the master program was won by Kiu Wakimura, MA with a GPA of 3.88, and in the undergraduate program achieved by David Malchiel Ravanelli, S.I.A., with a GPA of 3.91.

FIA UI became the first faculty to hand over certificates to graduates during the graduation procession. In the graduation procession, the Dean of FIA UI, Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Sc., M.M., inaugurated 211 graduates by moving the toga strap to the right side, indicating that FIA UI students had graduated with SIA. After transferring the toga straps, the Dean of FIA UI handed over the certificates to the graduates accompanied by a handshake and a group photo. Not a few students were also asked to take selfies with the Dean through their respective devices.

For information, several parties who attended included the Chairman of the FIA UI Professorial Council (DGBF), Prof. Dr. Amy Sri Rahayu, M.Sc.; Chairman of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of FIA UI Dr. Ning Rahayu, M.Sc. along with secretaries and members of the Faculty Academic Senate; parents and companions of graduates; Sita Dewanto as Chairperson of the FIA UI Alumni Association; Liviana Chandra as Chair of the FIA UI Family Women’s Association; Dr. Fibria Indriati Dwi Liestiawati, S.Sos., M.Sc., as Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs; Dr. Milla Sepliana Setyowati, S.Sos., M.Ak, as Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration of FIA UI; Dr. Umanto, S. Sos, M. Si as FIA UI Leadership Secretary; The Heads of UPMA and SPI as well as the Chairmen and Secretaries of the FIA UI Departments.